• G20「高齢化と金融包摂」ハイレベル シンポジウム G20 High-level Symposium on Aging and Financial Inclusion

G20「高齢化と金融包摂」ハイレベル シンポジウム
G20 High-level Symposium on Aging and Financial Inclusion




※Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion(GPFI)について


※About GPFI

The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is an inclusive platform for all G20 countries, interested non-G20 countries and relevant stakeholders to carry forward work on financial inclusion. It was established at G20 Seoul Summit. This year, Under the Japanese Presidency, the GPFI has been discussing the challenges to financial services and possible responses in face of aging under the theme of “Aging and Financial Inclusion.”


2019年6月7日(金) 9:00~16:20(8:30開場)/Date: June 7 2019, 9:00~16:20 (Registration starts at 8:30)

ホテルニューオータニ東京(鳳凰の間)/Room Ho, Hotel New Otani, Tokyo




定員/The number of seats for the public

150名/150 Persons

主催/Organized by

日本政府、GPFI、日本経済新聞社/Government of Japan, GPFI, and Nikkei Inc.

メディアパートナー/Media Partner

フィナンシャル・タイムズ/Financial Times







Tel: 03-6812-8685(受付時間 9:30~17:30 土・日除く)  
E-mail: g20-gpfi@nex.nikkei.co.jp



If you would like to apply in English from overseas, please send us an e-mail to: g20-gpfi@nex.nikkei.co.jp by Monday,May 27th, 2019



9:00~9:10 開会挨拶/Opening Remark

副総理兼財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣(金融) 麻生 太郎/Mr. Taro Aso, Deputy Prime Minister,Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services

9:10~9:20 基調講演①/Keynote Speech①

OECD事務総長 アンヘル・グリア/Mr. Ángel Gurría, Secretary General of OECD

9:20~9:30 基調講演②/Keynote Speech②

世界銀行CEO クリスタリーナ・ゲオルギエヴァ/Dr. Kristalina Georgieva, CEO of World Bank

9:30~10:30 セッション①/Session①

「迫る高齢化の波/ Setting the Scene - Facing the “Age of Aging”」

Aging is a global phenomenon which will only accelerate in the coming decades. It is an especially pressing issue for developing countries, which are aging the fastest. This introductory session will provide an overview of, and key facts on, aging globally, including vulnerabilities facing the elderly.

WHO事務局長(ビデオメッセージ) テドロス・アダノム/Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of World Health Organization (Video Message)
WHO事務局長補 ・ 多国間渉外大使 ミッシェル・ボッコズ/Ms. Michèle Boccoz, Assistant Director-General and Director-General Envoy for Multilateral Affairs of World Health Organization
ハーバード公衆衛生大学院教授 デイビット・ブルーム/Dr. David E. Bloom, Clarence James Gamble Professor of Economics and Demography, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
政策研究大学院大学名誉教授 黒川 清/Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Professor Emeritus of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
エイゴン高齢社会リタイアメント研究所プログラム ・ マネージャー マイク・マンスフィールド/Mr. Mike Mansfield, Program Manager of Retirement Research of the Aegon Center for Longevity & Retirement

日本経済新聞社 編集委員兼論説委員 小竹 洋之/Mr. Hiroyuki Kotake, Senior Staff Writer and Editorial Writer , Nikkei Inc.

10:30~10:50 休憩/Break

10:50~11:50 セッション②/Session②

「『応用問題の集合体』としての高齢化をどう見つめるべきか/Variety in Life and Inclusion in Approach - How to View the Complexity of Aging Issues」

The challenges facing the elderly vary significantly, including by gender, health status, cognitive and physical abilities, whether they live alone or with family, in a rural area or in a city, and so forth. Multi-sectoral and multi-layered approaches have been adopted by relevant stakeholders to address the needs of a diverse elderly population. This session will include an extensive discussion of how to identify and approach aging issues, and suggest possible financial solutions by inviting distinguished speakers from various sectors, including leading gerontologists and medical scholars.

南カリフォルニア大学ジェロントロジー大学院教授 ピンチャス・コーエン/Dr. Pinchas Cohen, Professor of Gerontology, Medicine and Biological Sciences, Dean, University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
京都府立医科大学大学院教授 成本 迅/Dr. Jin Narumoto, Professor of Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
バンクオブアメリカ ・ メリルリンチ マネージング ・ ディレクター スルヤ・コルリ/Mr. Surya P. Kolluri, Managing Director of Bank of America Merrill Lynch
野村證券 代表取締役社長 森田 敏夫/Mr. Toshio Morita, President of Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.

OECD金融課課長(金融包摂担当)フロア=アン・メッシ/Ms. Flore-Anne Messy, Head of Financial Affairs Division of OECD

11:50~12:50 休憩/Break

12:50~13:00 基調講演③/Keynote Speech③

日本銀行総裁 黒田 東彦/ Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan

13:00~13:30 セッション③/Session③

「人生100年時代と金融/“100-Year-Life” and Finance」
Given greater longevity, it is projected that there will be more countries welcoming people living a “100-Year-Life” . What changes and impacts will individuals and enterprises face in the era of centenarians? This session will invite co-author of the best-selling book the “100-Year-Life”, Dr. Lynda Gratton, to give a brief speech with a focus on the role that finance will play.

ロンドン・ビジネススクール教授 リンダ・グラットン/Dr. Lynda Gratton, Professor of London Business School

フィナンシャル ・ タイムズ米国版エディター・アット・ラージ ジリアン・テット/Ms. Gillian Tett, Chairman Editorial Board, Editor-at-large, US Financial Times

13:30~13:40 基調講演④/Keynote Speech④

ITエヴァンジェリスト 若宮 正子/ Ms. Masako Wakamiya, Japanese IT Evangelist

13:40~14:40 セッション④/Session④

「チャンスとしての高齢化/The Potential of a Longevity Economy – Shifting thinking from an “Aging Time Bomb” to a “Longevity Dividend”」

While concerns have been raised about the negative effects of aging on society, global aging could be a great opportunity for businesses and economic growth. In particular, emerging “elderly-friendly/inclusive” technology has helped include many elderly people despite fears of a ‘digital divide’. This session will highlight opportunities from longevity, through the introduction of pioneering activities and efforts.

ペンシルベニア大学ビジネススクール(ウォートン校)教授 オリビア・ミッチェル/Dr. Olivia S. Mitchell, Professor of Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
高齢化に関する世界連合(GCOA)CEO マイケル・ホーディン/Dr. Michael W. Hodin, CEO of Global Coalition on Aging
国際保険協会連盟(GFIA)会長 リカレド・アリアス/Mr. Recaredo Arias, President of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations
ヘルプエイジ・インターナショナルCEO ジャスティン・ダービシャー/Mr. Justin Derbyshire, CEO of HelpAge International

Better Than Cash Alliance リサーチ・イノベーション課長 カミロ・テレズ=マーチャン/Mr. Camilo Tellez-Merchan, Head of Research and Innovation, Better Than Cash Alliance
※Better Than Cash Allianceは国連に拠点を置くGPFIメンバー組織

14:40~15:00 休憩/Break

15:00~15:10 基調講演⑤/Keynote Speech⑤

全国銀行協会会長 髙島 誠/Mr. Makoto Takashima, Chairman of Japanese Bankers Association

15:10~16:10 セッション⑤/Session⑤

「高齢化社会における金融サービスのあり方/Call to Action for the Upcoming Super-Aging World - How can the financial services industry help ensure financial inclusion?」

What roles and actions can financial institutions and regulatory bodies be expected to play in a “super-aging world”? Informed by the discussions in the previous sessions, this session will invite various executives and leaders to share their experiences and thoughts on the topic of “future financial services and financial inclusion”

金融庁長官 遠藤 俊英/Mr. Toshihide Endo, Commissioner of the Japan Financial Services Agency
ブラジル中央銀行総裁 カンポス・ネト/Mr. Roberto de Oliveira Campos Neto, Governor of the Central Bank of Brazil
ドイツ連邦金融監督庁長官 フェリックス・フーフェルト/Mr. Felix Hufeld, President of Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany (BaFin)
ノルウェー 保健・ケアサービス副大臣 マリア・ヤールマン・ビャルケ/Ms. Maria Jahrmann Bjerke, State Secretary at Ministry of Health and Care Services of Norway

Alliance for Financial Inclusion 事務局長 アルフレッド・ハニグ/Dr. Alfred Hannig, Executive Director of Alliance for Financial Inclusion
※Alliance for Financial Inclusionはマレーシアに拠点を置くGPFIメンバー組織

16:10~16:20 ビデオメッセージ/Video Message

マキシマ オランダ王国王妃(GPFI名誉パトロン)/Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands (Honorary Patron of the GPFI)

※Please note that the program is subject to change without prior notification.

【For ENGLISH ONLY SPEAKERS】 If you would like to apply in English from overseas,please send us an e-mail to: g20-gpfi@nex.nikkei.co.jp by Monday,May 27th, 2019


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