- 日豪Liveable & Well-being City フォーラム 2023 Japan-Australia Liveable & Well-being City Forum 2023
日豪Liveable & Well-being City フォーラム 2023
Japan-Australia Liveable & Well-being City Forum 2023
*English follows Japanese
日本経済新聞社はスマートシティ・インスティテュート(SCI-Japan)及びロイヤルメルボルン工科大学(RMIT:オーストラリア・メルボルン市)の企画協力のもと1月30日に、日豪Liveable & Well-being CityフォーラムをMelbourne Marriott Hotelより、会場聴講(登壇者、協賛社、招待者のみ)とオンラインLIVE配信(視聴無料。登録制)のハイブリッド形式で開催いたします。
午前中のアカデミアセッションでは、「住みやすい都市」で世界的に有名なメルボルン市のLiveability指標の研究で知られるRMITのメラニー教授とLiveable Well-Being City Indicator (LWCI)を開発したSCI-Japan南雲専務理事による講演とディスカッションを通じて地域のWell-Being指標の活用、LWCIのグローバルアライアンスについて議論します。また、午後のビジネスラウンドテーブルでは、日豪の協力による持続可能なゼロエミッション社会に向けたオープンイノベーションによる都市の脱炭素化に向けての都市間協力の推進やスタートアップとのビジネスマッチング機会創出について議論します。
We are pleased to inform that NIKKEI, Asia’s largest economic media group will be
organizing Japan-Australia Liveable & Well-being City Forum in Melbourne in cooperation with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) and Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-Japan) on Jan. 30, 2023. The event program is composed of academia session focusing on improving “Liveability “and “Well-being” as city management goal and business round table discussing on urban decarbonization with open innovation toward sustainable and zero-emission society through Japan-Australia collaboration.
The Forum’s focal points are as followings:
#1. How to achieve people-centric sustainable smart city with KPI of liveability and regional well-being.
#2. To promote “City-to-City” collaboration solving common social issues such as empowering depopulated and aged region in rural area between Australia and Japan for zero emission society with new smart city approach.
Recent years have seen Australia and Japan relationship step up beyond business with their engagement with strategic partnership such as QUAD and bilateral relationship about natural resources. Taking the opportunity of 45th anniversary this year of sister relationship between Melbourne and City of Osaka (hosting city of EXPO 2025 Osaka Kansai), we do hope the forum will be leading to the establishment of new partnership between two nations toward sustainable smart city and zero emission society. *The language to be used will be English.
- Date
- 2023.1.30(月) / MON. 30th JAN.
7:30~13:00(JST) / 9:30am~3:00pm(UTC+11)
- 主催 / Organizer
日本経済新聞社 / Nikkei, Inc.
- 後援 / Supported by
Consulate General of Japan in Melbourne /JETRO Sydney /Victorian Government Trade & Investment Office in Tokyo /Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee /Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Melbourne /Australia Japan Society of Victoria
- 企画協力 / In cooperation with
スマートシティ・インスティテュート(SCI-Japan)、ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学 (RMIT) /
Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-Japan), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
- 受講料 / Fee
無料 / Free
- お問い合わせ / Inquiry
プログラム Program
7:30-8:00 (JST) / 9:30–10:00 (UTC+11) オープニングセッション / Opening Session
Opening Remarks: Prof. Calum Drummond Vice President RMIT Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation
日本経済新聞社 専務取締役 平田 喜裕
Greeting: Yoshihiro Hirata, Senior Managing Director, Nikkei Inc.
スマートシティ・インスティテュート(SCI-Japan)専務理事 南雲 岳彦氏
Greeting: Takehiko Nagumo, Executive Managing Director, SCI-Japan
8:00-10:00 (JST) / 10:00–12:00 (UTC+11) アカデミアセッション / Academic Session
/オーストラリア都市観測所 ディレクター メラニー・ダボン氏
Dr. Melanie Davern, Associate Professor, RMIT University School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, Director Australian Urban Observatory (AUO) and Vice Chancellor Research Fellow.
南雲 岳彦 氏
Mr. Takehiko Nagumo, Executive Managing Director, Smart City Institute Japan
10:00-10:50 (JST) / 12:00–12:50 (UTC+11) RMIT、SCI-Japanについてのビデオ紹介 / Introduction Video of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and Smart City Institute Japan
10:50-13:00 (JST) / 12:50–15:00 (UTC+11) 日豪オープンイノベーション・ ビジネスラウンドテーブル / Business Roundtable
Urban Development for Well-being with decarbonization toward sustainable and zero-emission society
(2)キーノート・セッション / <Session 1> Japan’s Presentation
東京大学連携研究機構 不動産イノベーション研究センター(CREI)センター長 柳川 範之氏
Mr. Noriyuki Yanagawa, Representative Director, Smart City Institute Japan Professor, Graduate School of Economics,
the University of Tokyo Director, Center for Real Estate Innovation Research (CREI)
オーストラリア住友林業 取締役社長 野本 康一氏
Mr. Koichi Nomoto, Managing Director, Sumitomo Forestry Australia Pty Ltd.
NTT UD Australia社 社長 天野 純一氏
Mr. Junichi Amano, Managing Director, NTT UD Australia Pty Ltd.
(3)日豪協力セッション(パネルディスカッション) / <Session 2> Discussion: Japan-Australia Open Innovation
Mr. Marcus Dessewffy, Manager Places and Precincts, Department of Transport and Planning,
State Government of Victoria (ビクトリア州政府)
名古屋大学 未来社会創造機構 モビリティ社会研究所/イノベーション戦略室 教授
工学博士 ITS JAPAN にぎわいのある交通まちづくり実現委員会 委員長 尾崎 信之氏
Ph.D Nobuyuki Ozaki, Professor, NAGOYA UNIVERSITY, Institutes of Innovation for Future Society,
Global Research Institutes for Mobility in Society /Strategic Innovation Office ITS JAPAN Chairperson Committee for Shaping Mobility toward Livable Community
Mr. Stephen Good, Japan Specialist, Artesian Investment
東京大学連携研究機構 不動産イノベーション研究センター(CREI)センター長 柳川 範之氏
Mr. Noriyuki Yanagawa, Representative Director, Smart City Institute Japan Professor, Graduate School of Economics,
the University of Tokyo Director, Center for Real Estate Innovation Research (CREI)
モデレータ:小川 夏子氏
ビクトリア州豪日協会 共同代表 国際法律事務所アシャースト パートナー(在メルボルン)
登壇者 Speaker
Prof. Calum Drummond
Professor Calum J. Drummond AO is RMIT Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Vice President. He is an active research professor and has published over 250 articles and patents in the area of advanced materials. He has a PhD and DSc from The University of Melbourne. Professor Drummond joined RMIT University in 2014 from CSIRO where he was Group Executive for Manufacturing, Materials and Minerals. Earlier, he was Chief of CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD). He has been an Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and the inaugural Vice President Research at CAP-XX (an Intel Portfolio company). He is an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO).
メラニー・ダボン氏 / Dr. Melanie Davern
Associate Professor Melanie Davern is Director of the Australian Urban Observatory at the Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University and a Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow. Melanie combines her background in public health with urban planning and public policy through a program of liveability research investigating the connections between social, economic and environmental factors and health. Her interdisciplinary research practice includes qualitative, quantitative and spatial research methods with a passion for applied research using methodologies that enhance the translation of research knowledge into policy and planning practice.
南雲 岳彦氏 / Mr. Takehiko Nagumo
スマートシティ・インスティテュート 専務理事
三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング 専務執行役員
Currently, Executive Managing Director at Smart City Institute Japan, dedicated to designing policies and building strategic alliances for smart cities and digital government. Concurrently, Senior Managing Executive Officer at Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Ltd. Well-Being City Indicator Committee Member, Digital Agency. Regulatory Reform Promotion Council Member, Japanese Government’s Cabinet Office. Fellow, World Economic Forum The Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan Center. Smart City Advisor to local government of Tokyo, Kamakura, Hamamatsu, and Higashi-Hiroshima. Adjunct Professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Management, Tokai University, Kanazawa Institute of Technology. Keio Research Institute at SFC senior staff.Visiting Professor at Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia. Senior Industry Fellow at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Senior Visiting Fellow at Global Communication Center, International University of Japan.
Earned Master of Business Administration from Georgetown University, Master of Science in Development Finance from University of London SOAS, and LL.B in Political Science from Keio University. Also completed Professional Fellow Program at Columbia University.
柳川 範之氏 / Mr. Noriyuki Yanagawa
Noriyuki Yanagawa received his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo. After serving as Associate Professor at Keio University, joined the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo as Associate Professor in 1996. Has been Professor in 2011. He also serves as an expert member of Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, Japanese Government, Member of Council for the Realization of a New Form of Capitalism, Chief of Center for Real Estate Innovation(CREI), the University of Tokyo, Representative of Fintech Research Forum at the Center for Advanced Research in Finance(CARF), the University of Tokyo.
野本 康一氏 / Mr. Koichi Nomoto
Koichi Nomoto manages Sumitomo Forestry Australia (SFAU) which is a hub for the three housing businesses operating in the five major cities (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth) to deliver high quality homes to Australian families. He also oversees real estate developments and the development of new businesses where Sumitomo Forestry Group is seeking to expand such as medium- to large-scale development in timber and introducing innovative and affordable building materials through our global network.
Being with Sumitomo Forestry for over 25yrs, he has accomplished several roles including frontline of the Domestic Housing Division, General Manager of Sumitomo Forestry’s subsidiary in Indonesia, Corporate Planning Department and Personnel Department. Now, his role is to discuss and oversee strategic business plans and ensure forecast targets are achieved, ensuring adherence to legal requirements concerning our partner companies, in conjunction with the Directors of each company, also to strengthen the relationship between these companies and Sumitomo Forestry Group.
天野 純一氏 / Mr. Junichi Amano
Mr. Marcus Dessewffy
尾崎 信之氏 / Ph.D Nobuyuki Ozaki
2020年4月より名古屋大学教授。以前は東芝にて車載向け高度運転支援システムや高度交通システム(ITSシステム)などの新規技術開発に従事し、独、伊、米、豪、仏、シンガポール、中国などの大学・企業と共同研究や実証実験を取りまとめた。NPO法人 ITS JAPANでは2つの委員会の委員長や国際会議の運営委員であり、IEEEのITSソサエティにて4年のStandardsのVPの後、現在はTechnical ActivitiesのVPとして活動している。1996年工学博士(東京大学)。
Dr. Nobuyuki Ozaki is a professor at Nagoya University.He joined Nagoya University from April 2020. Before then, he had been working for Toshiba Corporation more than 30 years and his last position was a Senior Fellow focusing on promoting new technology into ITS-related new business based on his computer vision expertise. His current interest is broader than before such as expanding to mobility services from the point of liveable community.He has many experiences in POC, or proof of concept, internationally: such as 1) ADAS related research projects with German, Italian, American OEMs, 2) Traffic engineering related research project with Australian university and public transport operator, and 3) Research projects with French, Singaporean, and Chinese universities.
He is also actively working for several ITS organizations both in Japan and internationally. He is actively leading two committees as chair at ITS JAPAN, a NPO entity. Two communities are International Committee and Shaping New Mobility & Energy Services Committee. As he also has been serving as a member of international program committee and also board of directors for ITS World Congress. At IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization, especially for Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, he is serving as vice president of Technical Activities from 2023 January after serving four years as VP for Standards. He has wide networks also in public, private, and academic sector internationally. He received his doctoral degree in 1996 from Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo.
Mr. Stephen Good
Stephen is responsible for Japan Strategy at Artesian, an Australian Alternative Asset Manager that focuses on early-stage Start-up companies across the APAC region. Stephen has over 30 years of financial markets experience in Investment Banking and Alternative Funds Management, where he was employed by Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and Mizuho Securities. He completed an M Ec. at Hitotsubashi University and has specialized in Japan over the course of his career. Over recent years he has been actively involved in the build out of the Innovation Ecosystem through the lens of venture capital, and specifically on the integration of the Australian and Japanese Start-up landscape. His passion is to foster collaboration between participants in the Australian and Japanese Innovation Ecosystems including Government, Corporates, Universities and Capital Market players.
小川 夏子氏
Natsuko heads the Japan Practice in Ashurst Australia and has more than 25 years' experience acting for Japanese companies investing in and doing business in Australia. Natsuko's clients include leading companies in a broad range of industries and recent experience has particularly focused on supporting clients on their energy transition and decarbonation efforts.
She serves as the Co-Chair of Ashurst-Japan Society of Victoria and is dedicated to promoting future Japan-Australia collaboration. Natsuko regularly presents at seminars and webinars for Japanese investors, including in partnership with the Japan Chambers of Commerce, ANZCCJ, Austrade, and representative offices of the Australian state Governments.