• NIKKEI WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROJECT International Women's Day Symposium

NIKKEI WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROJECT International Women's Day Symposium


The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will be held in New York for two weeks starting March 6. In conjunction with this conference, Nikkei Inc. will hold the "NIKKEI WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROJECT International Women's Day Symposium".We will discuss women's empowerment and diversity around the world. Please register to attend the symposium.

3月6日からの2週間、ニューヨークでは国際連合のCSW(Commission on the Status of Women)が開かれます。この会期にあわせ、日本経済新聞社では、現地ニューヨークでシンポジウムを開催します。世界の女性のエンパワーメントと多様性について議論します。ぜひご登録のうえ、ご来場ください。


Mon. 6 March 2023
1:00pm-5:00pm (EST)
Venue 会場
Japan Society
333 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017
Organizer 主催

Nikkei Inc. 日本経済新聞社

Co-Organizer 共催

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外務省

Support 後援

Cabinet Office 内閣府

Fee 受講料

Free 無料

プログラム Program

1:00pm-1:10pm Opening remarks オープニングリマークス

Ambassador Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
日本政府国連代表部 特命全権大使 志野 光子 氏

1:10pm-1:20pm Keynote speech キーノートスピーチ

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, United Nations
Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA)
国連事務次長・軍縮担当上級代表 中満 泉 氏

1:20pm-1:50pm Session 1 セッション1

Speaker:Tatsuhiko Furumoto, Director, Gender Mainstreaming Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Facilitator:Maiko Oda, Deputy Chief Editor, NIKKEIxwoman
外務省 総合外交政策局女性参画推進室室長 古本 建彦 氏
日経xwoman 副編集長 小田 舞子 氏

1:50pm-2:00pm   Video Message ビデオメッセージ

Yasuyoshi Karasawa, Chairman & Director, Chairman Executive Officer, MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc
UN Womenアンステレオタイプアライアンス事務局長 サラ・デンビー 氏
MS&ADインシュアランス グループ ホールディングス 取締役会長 柄澤 康喜 氏

2:00pm-2:30pm Session 2 セッション2 Technology and Women empowerment

Speaker:Taiko Otsuka, Partner, IBM
Facilitator:Maiko Oda, Deputy Chief Editor, NIKKEIxwoman
IBMコンサルティング エンタープライズ・ストラテジー パートナー 大塚 泰子 氏
日経xwoman 副編集長 小田 舞子 氏

2:30pm-3:00pm Session 3 [Pre-recorded] セッション3 (事前収録)Diversity and Leadership

Speaker:Yuko Seimei, Representative Executive Officer, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Monex Group
Facilitator:Maiko Oda, Deputy Chief Editor, NIKKEIxwoman
マネックスグループ 代表執行役Co-CEO兼CFO 清明 祐子 氏
日経xwoman 副編集長 小田 舞子 氏

3:00pm-3:20pm Session 4 セッション4

Diana Carolina Moreno, Director of Advocacy at Profamilia
プロファミリア アドボカシーディレクター ダイアナ カロリーナ モレーノ 氏

4:00pm-5:00pm Networking ネットワーキング

登壇者 Speaker

Ambassador Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations

日本政府国連代表部 特命全権大使 志野 光子 氏

一橋大学法学部卒、1987年外務省入省 。在ポーランド日本国大使館参事官、経済局経済連携課企画官兼経済局経済携課(アジア太平洋経済協力室長)、総合外交政策局人権人道課長、在イタリア日本国大使館公使、特命全権大使 アイスランド国駐箚、在ジュネーブ国際機関日本政府代表部次席大使、外務副報道官、大臣官房国際文化交流審議官(大使)、大臣官房儀典長(大使)を経て2022年9月より特命全権大使。国際連合日本政府次席常駐代表 。

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA)

国連事務次長・軍縮担当上級代表 中満 泉 氏

Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu assumed her position as Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs on 1 May 2017. Prior to taking on this post, she served as Assistant Administrator of the Crisis Response Unit at the United Nations Development Programme since 2014.
She has many years of experience within and outside the UN system, most recently as Special Adviser Ad Interim on Follow-up to the Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants between 2016 and 2017. She was previously Director of the Asia and the Middle East Division of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations between 2012 and 2014, and Director of the Department’s Division of Policy, Evaluation and Training, from 2008 to 2012.
Born in 1963, Ms. Nakamitsu holds a Master of Science degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and a Bachelor of Law degree from Waseda University in Tokyo.
She is married and has two daughters.


Tatsuhiko Furumoto, Director, Gender Mainstreaming Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan  

外務省 総合外交政策局女性参画推進室室長 古本 建彦 氏

Since August 2022, Mr. Furumoto serves as the Director of Gender Mainstreaming Division. His portfolio covers gender equality and women empowerment issues in international fora such as the United Nations, G7 and G20. Mr. Furumoto previously worked as a Head of UN Resident Coordinator's Office in Uganda, Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN, and several other positions in the areas of bilateral diplomacy and sustainable development. Mr. Furumoto also served for UNDP (HQ and Nepal), UNHCR (South Sudan), the civil society, and a news agency in the past.



UN Womenアンステレオタイプアライアンス事務局長 サラ・デンビー 氏

Yasuyoshi Karasawa, Chairman & Director, Chairman Executive Officer, MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc

MS&ADインシュアランス グループ ホールディングス 取締役会長 柄澤 康喜 氏

April 1975 Entered The Sumitomo Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
April 2004 Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept., Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. (“MSI”).
June 2005 Director, Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept., MSI.
April 2006 Director, Managing Executive Officer, MSI.
April 2008 Director, Senior Executive Officer, MSI
      Director, the Company.
April 2009 Director, Senior Executive Officer, the Company.
April 2010 President & CEO, MSI
Director, Executive Officer, the Company
June 2014 President & CEO, the Company
April 2016 Chairman & Director, Chairman Executive Officer, MSI
June 2020 Chairman & Director, Chairman Executive Officer, the Company (present)
April 2021 Director, Advisor, MSI
June 2021 Advisor, MSI (present)

1975年住友海上火災保険(現・三井住友海上火災保険)に入社。執行役員経営企画部長、常務、専務を経て、2010年に代表取締役社長に就任。14年6月からMS&ADインシュアランス グループホールディングス取締役社長 グループCEOを経て20年6月に取締役会長に。経団連ではダイバーシティ推進委員会の委員長を務める。

Taiko Otsuka, Partner, IBM

IBMコンサルティング エンタープライズ・ストラテジー パートナー​  大塚 泰子 氏

With a seasoned career in strategy consulting, she has amassed 15 years of experience in driving corporate growth, developing mid-term business plans, and providing support for business integration across various industries. Following her tenure at a Japanese consulting firm and an integrated global consulting firm, she joined IBM Japan K.K. as a partner in the strategy consulting team, where she was appointed as the leader of sustainability consulting. Currently, she is on secondment to IBM Corporation (U.S. headquarters) as of July 2022. ​
She also has a strong track record in diversity and inclusion initiatives and new graduate training, significantly empowering women and young professionals. Since August 2021, she has been serving as an outside director (currently holding the role of Executive Advisor) at NewsPicks, Inc. Additionally, she holds the position of Visiting Associate Professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Business Administration. She is a board member of the General Incorporated Association, Outside Director Women's Lab. She holds a degree in Law from Kyoto University, Faculty of Law.​

Diversity & Inclusionや新卒研修のリードとしても複数年に渡る経験があり、特に女性や若手へのエンパワーメントに取り組んでいる。​
2021年8月より株式会社ニューズピックスの社外取締役(現エグゼクティブアドバイザー)。京都大学経営管理大学院 客員准教授。一般社団法人社外取締役女性ラボ 理事。​

Yuko Seimei, Representative Executive Officer, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Monex Group

マネックスグループ 代表執行役Co-CEO兼CFO 清明 祐子 氏

Yuko Seimei started her career at the Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.) in April 2001. She moved to MKS Partners Ltd in December 2006. In February 2009, she joined Monex Hambrecht, Inc. (which merged with Monex, Inc. in 2017) and became Representative Director of Monex Hambrecht, Inc. in June 2011. In April 2019, she assumed the role of Representative Director and President of Monex, Inc., which she continues to serve today. She was appointed Representative Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Monex Group, Inc. in January 2020 and Representative Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Monex Group, Inc. in January 2021. Since April 2022, she serves as a Member of the Board, Representative Executive Officer, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Monex Group, Inc. Yuko is scheduled to be appointed President, Representative Executive Officer and CEO of Monex Group in June 2023.

2001年4月株式会社三和銀行(現 株式会社三菱UFJ銀行)入行、2006年12月に株式会社MKSパートナーズに転じ、2009年2月にマネックス・ハンブレクト株式会社(2017年マネックス証券と統合)入社。2011年6月マネックス・ハンブレクト株式会社代表取締役社長を経て、2019年4月マネックス証券株式会社代表取締役社長に就任。2020年1月当社代表執行役COO、2021年1月当社代表執行役COO兼CFOに就いた後、2022年4月より取締役兼代表執行役 Co-CEO兼CFO。2023年6月、マネックスグループ代表執行役社長CEOに就任予定。

Diana Carolina Moreno, Director of Advocacy at Profamilia

プロファミリア アドボカシーディレクター ダイアナ カロリーナ モレーノ 氏

Diana Carolina Moreno is a lawyer from the Javeriana University and LLM from Columbia University. She is currently Director of Advocacy at Profamilia.
Diana has worked for human rights and sexual and reproductive rights at the Center for Reproductive Rights, ELEMENTA S.A.S, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Women's Link Worldwide.
Diana has also been a researcher and professor at the Universidad Javeriana on issues of gender, human rights and armed conflict since the beginning of her legal studies. In her professional career she has participated in national and regional strategic litigation activities related to women's and LGBTI rights.

Maiko Oda, Deputy Chief Editor, NIKKEIxwoman

『日経xwoman』副編集長 小田 舞子 氏

1978年生まれ。2001年に国際基督教大学教養学部を卒業後、日経BPに入社。『日経ビジネス』『日経ビジネスアソシエ』編集記者を経て、13年に『日経DUAL』、19年には『日経doors』の創刊メンバーに。21年1月発行『まじめに本気で! 婚活アプリバイブル』、6月発行『早く絶版になってほしい #駄言辞典』を編集。



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