• グローバル会計・監査フォーラム 監査・保証の価値 ―課題に向けたさらなる挑戦― Global Accounting and Audit Forum The Value of Audit and Assurance ~Facing Up to the Challenges~

Global Accounting and Audit Forum
The Value of Audit and Assurance
~Facing Up to the Challenges~




For economies and capital markets to thrive, a strong accounting profession, underpinned by quality independent audit and assurance, is critical.
Major stakeholders of the audit ecosystem will gather to share insights on what the value of audit is and discuss how audit will be able to adapt to the challenges of various marketplace expectations, including technology and sustainability. Also, a deep dive discussion on one of the top challenges, attracting and retaining talent, will be held. Panelists will discuss what needs to be done to change the perception of working in audit and to attract and retain future talent in the industry.
The Forum aims to encourage a global, open discussion on the value of audit and assurance that reflects the needs of multiple stakeholders.


April 15th (Mon), 2024




Hotel New Otani Osaka




Registration Fee



Organized by



Sponsored by


JICPA and Global Accounting Alliance(GAA)



April 8th (Mon), 2024



*If we receive a large number of applications, we will select a lottery and contact you via your registered email address. We will notify you of the winner by email.




Global Accounting Forum Secretariat


プログラム Program

9:30~9:35 オープニングスピーチ
Opening remark

日本公認会計士協会 会長 茂木 哲也氏
JICPA President Mr. Tetsuya Mogi

9:35~9:50 基調講演
Keynote speech

公認会計士・監査審査会事務局長、金融庁総合政策局審議官(国際担当) 長岡 隆氏
Secretary General of Certified Public Accountants and Auditing Oversight Board and Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs at the JFSA Mr. Takashi Nagaoka

9:50~10:45 パネルディスカッションⅠ
Pannel discussion I

“The value of audit and assurance in a changing world”

PwC Japanグループ代表 木村 浩一郎氏
Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC Japan Group Mr. Koichiro Kimura

金融庁総合政策局 IFIAR戦略企画室長 園田 周氏
Director, Office of Japanese Delegation for IFIAR Mr. Makoto Sonoda

荏原製作所取締役会長 前田 東一氏
Director, Chairman of the EBARA CORPORATION Mr. Toichi Maeda

日本取引所グループ取締役兼代表執行役グループCEO 山道 裕己氏
Group CEO, Japan Exchange Group, Inc. Mr. Yamaji Hiromi

国際コーポレートガバナンス・ネットワークCEO ケリー・ワリング氏
Chief Executive Officer、ICGN Ms. Kerrie Waring

KPMG Global Head of Audit ラリー・ブラッドリー氏
KPMG Global Head of Audit Mr. Larry Bradley

10:55~11:55 パネルディスカッションⅡ
Pannel discussion II

“The challenge of attracting young talent to audit and assurance”

EY新日本有限責任監査法人 理事長 片倉 正美氏
Chairwoman and CEO, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
EY Japan Deputy Regional Managing Partner
Certified Public Accountant Ms. Masami Katakura

早稲田大学 商学学術院 教授 川村 義則氏
Professor of Accounting Faculty of Commerce Waseda University Mr. Kawamura Yoshinori

公益監視委員会(PIOB)メンバー 古澤 知之氏
PIOB Member Mr. Tomoyuki Furusawa

Deloitte Global Audit and Assurance Quality Excellence Leader ジェン・ハスケル氏
Deloitte Global Audit and Assurance Quality Excellence Leader Ms. Jen Haskell

オーストラリア・ニュージーランド勅許会計士協会 CEO エインズリー・ヴァン・オンセレン氏
Chief Executive Officer, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Ms. Ainslie van Onselen

11:55~12:00 クロージングスピーチ
Closing remark

日本公認会計士協会 副会長 鶴田 光夫氏
JICPA Deputy President Mr. Mitsuo Tsuruta

登壇者 Speaker

茂木 哲也氏
Mr. Tetsuya Mogi

日本公認会計士協会 会長
JICPA President

長岡 隆氏
Mr. Takashi Nagaoka

Secretary General of Certified Public Accountants and Auditing Oversight Board and Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs at the JFSA


Takashi Nagaoka serves as Chair of IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators) since April 2023, after serving as its Vice Chair for two years, and Chair of IFRS Foundation Monitoring Board since March 2023. He has also played important roles in the field of international securities market regulations, including Chair of International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Asia Pacific Regional Committee.

木村 浩一郎氏
Mr. Koichiro Kimura

PwC Japanグループ 代表
Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC Japan Group

1986年青山監査法人入所。2012年からあらた監査法人(現 PwC Japan有限責任監査法人)の代表執行役、2016年7月PwC Japanグループ代表就任。2019年7月よりPwCアジアパシフィックバイスチェアマン。

Born in 1963.
Certified Public Accountant
Joined Aoyama Audit Corp. in 1986. Representative Executive Officer of PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata (now PwC Japan LLC) since 2012, and Representative of PwC Japan Group since July 2016. Vice Chairman, PwC Asia Pacific since July 2019.
A member of the Advisory Board of the GraSPP (Graduate School of Public Policy) at the University of Tokyo.

園田 周氏
Mr. Makoto Sonoda

金融庁 IFIAR戦略企画室長
Director, Office of Japanese Delegation for IFIAR

国際的には、証券当局の国際機関であるIOSCOのサステナビリティ保証に関する作業グループの共同議長を務めるほか、IOSCOで会計・監査・開示政策を担当するCommittee 1の議長や、国際会計士倫理基準審議会(IESBA)議長を選任する指名委員会の議長などを歴任。

Makoto Sonoda has an extensive background in financial and sustainability reporting, auditing, and disclosures. In the current position, he serves as a Board member of the IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators) on behalf of Japan.
Mr. Sonoda has served important roles in global regulation field, including Chair of the Committee on Issuer Accounting, Audit and Disclosure (Committee 1) and Co-Chair of Assurance Work Stream of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), and Chair of interim Nominating Committee to select IESBA (International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants) Chair.

Mr. Larry Bradley

KPMG Global Head of Audit

KPMGのグローバル監査部門の責任者であり、KPMGインターナショナルのグローバルマネジメントチームのメンバーとして、145か国の約9万人の監査専門家を統括。KPMGに40年以上所属しており、KPMGの最大手の顧客の多くに対し、監査責任者としての役割も果たしてきました。また、2005年から2010年までKPMG LLP(米国)およびKPMG Americasの取締役会のメンバーとしても活動。

Larry is the Global Head of Audit for KPMG and a member of KPMG International’s Global Management team, leading 90,000 audit professionals in 145 countries. He has been with KPMG for more than 40 years and has been the global lead audit signing partner for many of KPMG’s largest accounts in the world. Larry served as a member of KPMG LLP (US) and the KPMG Americas Boards of Directors from 2005 to 2010.

前田 東一氏
Mr. Toichi Maeda

荏原製作所 取締役会長
Director, Chairman of the EBARA CORPORATION

1981年4月 荏原製作所入社
2007年4月 同社執行役員
2010年4月 同社常務執行役員
2011年4月 同社風水力機械カンパニーカスタムポンプ事業統括
2011年6月 同社取締役
2012年4月 同社風水力機械カンパニープレジデント
2013年4月 同社代表取締役社長
2015年6月 同社代表執行役社長
2019年3月 同社取締役会長(現在)
同 同社指名委員会委員(現在)

April 2007 Executive Officer April 2010 Managing Executive Officer
April 2011 Head of Business Unit, Custom Pump Business Unit, Fluid Machinery & Systems Company June 2011 Director
April 2012 President, Fluid Machinery & Systems Company
April 2013 President and Representative Director
June 2015 President, Representative Executive Officer
March 2019 Director, Chairman of the Company (to present) Member of the Nomination Committee (to present)

山道 裕己氏
Mr. Yamaji Hiromi

日本取引所グループ 取締役 兼 代表執行役グループCEO
Group CEO, Japan Exchange Group, Inc.


Hiromi Yamaji is Group CEO of Japan Exchange Group, Inc. He joined the group in June 2013 as CEO of Osaka Exchange, Inc, then was appointed as CEO of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. in April 2021. Before joining the group, he served as Executive Vice President and Head of Global Investment Banking at Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. During his career at Nomura, he served as CEO and Chairman of its overseas affiliates. He graduated from Kyoto University and holds an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Ms. Kerrie Waring 

Chief Executive Officer、ICGN


Kerrie Waring is CEO of the ICGN, a global standard setter with institutional investor members responsible for assets of $77 trillion, based in over 40 countries. 
A governance expert for over 25 years, Kerrie specializes in Japan and serves as a Member of the Council of Experts convened by the FSA and TSE. Prior to joining ICGN in 2008, Kerrie managed corporate reporting and auditing initiatives at the ICAEW.

片倉 正美氏
Ms. Masami Katakura

EY新日本有限責任監査法人 理事長
Chairwoman and CEO, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
EY Japan Deputy Regional Managing Partner
Certified Public Accountant

2019年7月 EY新日本有限責任監査法人 理事長就任。大手監査法人初の女性理事長として、EY Japanにおけるアシュアランスサービスをリード。1991年に同法人入所後、IPO支援から米国上場するグローバル企業に至るまで、多くの日本企業の監査に従事。
イノベーティブな監査法人を目指し、最先端テクノロジーの活用による監査品質の向上、働く環境の整備に力を入れる。経済産業省「DX銘柄」評価委員。INvolve社による「Heroes Women Role Model List」に日本初の殿堂入り。

Masami was appointed Chairwoman and CEO of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC in 2019, becoming the first woman leader of a major audit firm in Japan. Joining EY in 1991, she has been engaged in the audits of numerous Japanese companies, ranging from those in their IPO (initial public offering) stage to global enterprises such as US SEC registrants. Aspiring to build a firm that breathes innovation, she has prioritized cutting-edge technology as a means of improving audit quality and enhancing working environments. She is a member of the DX Stocks 2024 Evaluation Committee under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
She is also the first Japanese woman to be enshrined in the Hall of Fame of the Heroes Women Role Model List.

川村 義則氏
Mr. Kawamura Yoshinori

早稲田大学 商学学術院 教授
Professor of Accounting Faculty of Commerce Waseda University

1994年 早稲田大学大学院商学研究科博士後期課程単位取得退学
1996年 龍谷大学経営学部専任講師
2000年 早稲田大学商学部専任講師
2008年 早稲田大学商学学術院教授(現職)
その他、金融庁・企業会計審議会 臨時委員、国際会計士連盟(IFAC)・国際会計教育基準審議会(IAESB)メンバー、国際会計教育パネル(IPAE)メンバーなど歴任。

Mr. Kawamura holds a B.A. and a Master of Commerce from Waseda University. He began his academic career as an Instructor of Accounting at Ryukoku University in 1996. In 2000, he joined Waseda University as an Instructor of Accounting and was promoted to Professor of Accounting in 2008.
He has undertaken several public responsibilities, including serving as a provisional member of the Business Accounting Council at the Financial Services Agency (FSA) in Japan. Additionally, he was a member of the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) from 2016 to 2019 and served on the International Panel of Accountancy Education (IPAE) from 2019 to 2023 at the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

古澤 知之氏
Mr. Tomoyuki Furusawa

PIOB Member


Tomoyuki Furusawa has been a PIOB Board member since 2023. He is a former director-general of Japan’s Financial Services Agency and former secretary-general of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Committee. He has expertise in capital market and financial regulations, including banking law, fund-transfer law, and certified public accountants law and in corporate governance field in the Japanese capital market.

Ms. Jen Haskell

Deloitte Global Audit and Assurance Quality Excellence Leader


Jen Haskell is the Deloitte Global Quality Excellence Leader for the Audit & Assurance business. In this capacity, she leads activities related to global standard-setting, including monitoring; audit and assurance methodologies and related guidance; and quality oversight of tools and technologies.
She has represented Deloitte on various committees, including the AICPA Assurance Services Executive Committee.
She is a CPA licensed to practice in Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Ms. Ainslie van Onselen

オーストラリア・ニュージーランド勅許会計士協会 CEO

Chair of Chartered Accountants Worldwide and is a member of Chief Executive Women, Australia. Ainslie sits on the boards of the Global Accounting Alliance and share registry, Automic Group Ltd.
An Australian Financial Review Women of Influence winner and a former 40 under 40 WA Business News and University of Western Australia Award winner, Ainslie represented CA ANZ and the accounting and auditing professions at the Australian Government’s 2022 Jobs Summit.

鶴田 光夫氏
Mr. Mitsuo Tsuruta

日本公認会計士協会 副会長
JICPA Deputy President



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