- SXシンポジウム SX (Sustainability Transformation) Symposium
SX (Sustainability Transformation) Symposium
持続可能性を基本にした、経営の在り方を変革する新たな戦略、SX(サステナビリティー・トランスフォーメーション)は、国際社会において日本企業が持続的に成長し、企業価値向上を実現するための大きな鍵です。この度、経済産業省及び東京証券取引所は「SX銘柄 2024」を選定しました。本シンポジウムでは、選定企業による事例プレゼンテーション、パネルディスカッションなどを通して、SX推進の先に見える未来について考えます。
SX (Sustainability Transformation), a new strategy for transforming the management based on sustainability-related risks and opportunities, is an important key to the sustainable growth of Japanese companies in the international community and the realization of increased corporate value. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Tokyo Stock Exchange have selected the "SX Brands 2024". At this symposium, we will discuss how to promote SX management through case studies of selected companies and panel discussions.
- Date
- 2024/5/24(金)
May 24th (Friday), 2024
- 開催時間
Time 13:00~17:50
- 会場
Venue イイノホール
(東京都千代田区内幸町2-1-1 飯野ビルディング4階~6階)
Iino hall
(2-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Iino Building 4th to 6th floors)
*Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is available.
- 受講料
Tuition fee 無料
- 定員
Capacity 400名
400 people
- 主催
Host 経済産業省
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- 共催
Co-host 東京証券取引所
Tokyo Stock Exchange
- 協力
Cooperation 日本経済新聞社
Nikkei Inc.
- 締め切り
Deadline 2024/5/20(月)17:00 ※日本時間
2024/5/20 (Monday) 17:00 (JST)
*When we are oversubscribed, there will be a draw. We will email the results of the draw.
*After the forum, an archive of the event will be distributed on Nikkei Channel.
- お問い合わせ
Inquiry 「SXシンポジウム」事務局
プログラム Program
Greetings from Organizer and Co-organizer
東京証券取引所 常務執行役員 川井 洋毅氏
Mr.Hiroki Kawai,Managing Executive Officer,Tokyo Stock Exchange
General review
Mr.Kunio Ito, Chairman of SX Brand Evaluation Committee/Director of CFO Education and Research Center, Hitotsubashi University
Case presentations by CEOs
Mr.Toshiaki Higashihara, Director, Executive Chairman, Representative Executive Officer, Hitachi
日本航空 代表取締役社長執行役員 グループCEO 鳥取 三津子氏
Ms.Mistuko Tottori, Representative Director, President Chief Executive Officer, Japan Airlines
第一三共 代表取締役社長 兼 COO 社長執行役員 奥澤 宏幸氏
Mr.Hiroyuki Okuzawa, Representative Director, President and COO, President and Executive Officer, DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY
東京応化工業 代表取締役 取締役社長 兼 執行役員社長 種市 順昭氏
Mr.Noriaki Taneichi, Representative Director, President and Executive Officer, TOKYO OHKA KOGYO
ブリヂストン 取締役 代表執行役 Global CEO 石橋 秀一氏
Mr.Shuichi Ishibashi, Member of the Board,Global CEO and Representative Executive Officer, Bridgestone
Japan-US Special Session
在日米国大使館 商務担当公使 アラン・ターリー氏
Mr.Alan R.Turley, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs,U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan
<パネリスト Pannelist>
オムロン 執行役員常務 グローバルコーポレートコミュニケーション&エンゲージメント本部長 兼 サステナビリティ推進担当 井垣 勉氏
Mr.Tsutomu Igaki, Managing Executive Officer Senior General Manager, Global Corporate Communications & Engagement HQ and Sustainability Executive, OMRON Corporation
りそなアセットマネジメント 責任投資部 チーフ・サステナビリティ・オフィサー 松原 稔氏
Mr.Minoru Matsubara, Chief Sustainability Officer,Responsible Investment Department Resona Asset Management
J.P.モルガン・アセット・マネジメント サステナブル・インベスティング・チーム ストラテジスト 島田 知実氏
Ms.Tomomi Shimada, Lead Sustainable Investing Strategist for APAC, JP Morgan Asset Management
マイクロソフト 最高サステナビリティ責任者 メラニー ナカガワ氏
Ms.Melanie Nakagawa, Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft
米国商務省 ファイナンス アンド プロフェッショナルサービス オフィスリスク・保険・プロフェッショナルサービス チームリーダー パトリック ジメット氏
Mr.Patrick Zimet, Team Lead, Risk, Insurance, and Professional Services, Office of Finance and Professional Services,
U.S. Department of Commerce
*Please note that the program and content of the presentations are subject to change without notice.
登壇者 Speaker
齋藤 健氏 ※未定
Mr. Ken Saito *TBD
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
川井 洋毅氏
Mr.Hiroki Kawai
東京証券取引所 常務執行役員
Managing Executive Officer,Tokyo Stock Exchange
1990年4月 東京証券取引所入所
2012年6月 東京証券取引所グループIT企画部長兼経営企画部企画統括役
2013年1月 日本取引所グループIT企画部長兼総合企画部企画統括役
2013年6月 東京証券取引所IT開発部トレーディングシステム部長
2016年4月 同株式部長
2017年4月 同執行役員
2023年4月 同常務執行役員(現任)
伊藤 邦雄氏
Mr. Kunio Ito
一橋大学 CFO 教育研究センター長
Chairman of SX Brand Evaluation Committee
Director of CFO Education and Research Center, Hitotsubashi University
Professor, Ph.D. Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University
Director of Hitotsubashi CFO Education and Research Center
1975 Graduated from Hitotsubashi University
1980 Graduated from the Graduate School of Commerce and Management,Hitotsubashi University
1984 Associate Professor at Hitotsubashi University
1987 Fulbright Research Fellow at Stanford University
1992 Professor at Hitotsubashi University
2002 Dean of the Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University
2004 Senior Vice President at Hitotsubashi University
President of Japan Investor Relations Association, the former President of Japan Accounting Association,
Chairman of the Award of Creation of Corporate Value at Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Ito Review “Competitiveness and Incentives for Sustainable Growth: Building Favorable
Relationship between Companies and Investors” Project’s Chairman (METI)
Ito Report 2.0 “Committee on Long-term Investment (ESG/Intangibles) for Sustainable Growth” Chairman (METI).
“Ito Repor2.0: Bio-medical Version to Enhance Dialogue between Bio Ventures and Investors” Chairman (METI).
“Japanese Version of TCFD” Chairman (METI).
“Committee on Corporate Governance System” Member (METI).
“Committee on SDGs Management and ESG Investment” Chairman (METI).
東原 敏昭氏
Mr. Toshiaki Higashihara
日立製作所 取締役会長 代表執行役
Director, Executive Chairman, Representative Executive Officer, Hitachi
1977年4月日立製作所 入社。電力会社や鉄道会社など様々な分野のお客様に納める制御システムに関する品質保証に長く従事。ドイツ駐在や子会社社長などの研鑽を積み
Toshiaki HIGASHIHARA, is Director, Executive Chairman, Representative Executive Officer of Hitachi, Ltd.
As Executive Chairman of Hitachi, Ltd. after serving as Executive Chairman & CEO since June 2021 and President & CEO since 2016, Higashihara leads a global organization of over 800 companies and 350,000 employees worldwide. Under Higashihara’s leadership, Hitachi is positioning itself as an innovation leader and partner for the IoT era, with the goal of growth as a company and sustainable development of society as a whole. He has been directing the global organization to focus in Social Innovation in three sectors (Green Energy & Mobility, Digital System & Service, and Connective Industries) to ensure that Hitachi delivers intelligent societal infrastructure, and to work with stakeholders through collaborative creation for the development of digital solutions that will raise quality of life in societies and values for customers.
Prior to his current position, Higashihara has held several executive leadership positions in Hitachi business units and affiliated companies, including President of Hitachi Power Europe GmbH, President of Hitachi Plant Technologies, Ltd. and Chief Operating Officer of Hitachi’s Information & Telecommunications Systems Group. Higashihara holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from Tokushima University and a Master of Science in Computer Science from Boston University.
鳥取 三津子氏
Ms. Mistuko Tottori
日本航空 代表取締役社長執行役員 グループCEO
Representative Director, President Chief Executive Officer, Japan Airlines
1985年 4月 日本航空入社
2015年 5月 成田第1客室乗員部 第2客室乗員室長
2016年 5月 成田第2客室乗員部長
2019年 4月 客室安全推進部長
2020年 4月 執行役員 客室本部長
2022年 4月 常務執行役員 客室本部長
2023年 4月 専務執行役員 カスタマー・エクスペリエンス本部長、ブランドコミュニケーション担当
2023年 6月 代表取締役専務執行役員 カスタマー・エクスペリエンス本部長、グループCCO
2024年 4月 代表取締役社長執行役員 グループCEO(現任)
April 1985 Joined the Company
May 2015 Senior Director, Cabin Attendants Office II, Narita Cabin Attendants I of the Company
May 2016 Vice President, Narita Cabin Attendants II Department of the Company
April 2019 Vice President, Cabin Safety Promotion Department of the Company
April 2020 Executive Officer and Senior Vice President, Cabin Attendants Division of the Company
April 2022 Managing Executive Officer and Senior Vice President, Cabin Attendants Division of the Company
April 2023 Senior Managing Executive Officer of the Company
Senior Vice President, Customer Experience Division in charge of Brand Communication
June 2023 Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer of the Company
Senior Vice President, Customer Experience, Chief Customer Officer
April 2024 Representative Director, President of the Company (to present)
Chief Executive Officer (to present)
奥澤 宏幸氏
Mr. Hiroyuki Okuzawa
第一三共 代表取締役社長 兼 COO 社長執行役員
Representative Director, President and COO, President and Executive Officer, DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY
1986年 三共入社
2017年 当社ASCAカンパニー 事業企画部長
2018年 執行役員ASCAカンパニープレジデント
2021年4月 常務執行役員 経営企画・管理本部長 CFO
2021年6月 取締役常務執行役員 経営企画・管理本部長 CFO
2022年 取締役専務執行役員 経営企画・管理本部長 CFO
2023年 代表取締役社長 兼 COO社長執行役員(現任)
1986 Joined Sankyo Company, Limited
2017 Vice President of Business Planning Department, ASCA Company of the Company
2018 Corporate Officer, President of ASCA Company
2021 Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Planning & Management Division and CFO
2021 Director, Executive Officer
Head of Corporate Planning & Management Division, CFO
2022 Director, Senior Executive Officer
Head of Corporate Planning & Management Division, CFO
2023 Representative Director, President & COO (to present)
種市 順昭氏
Mr. Noriaki Taneichi
東京応化工業 代表取締役 取締役社長 兼 執行役員社長
Representative Director, President and Executive Officer, TOKYO OHKA KOGYO
1986年4月 東京応化工業入社
2009年6月 営業開発部長
2011年6月 新事業開発部長
2015年6月 執行役員新事業開発室副室長
2017年6月 取締役兼執行役員新事業開発室長
2019年1月 代表取締役取締役社長兼執行役員社長
April 1986 Joined TOKYO OHKA KOGYO
June 2009 General Manager, Marketing Development Department of the Company
June 2011 General Manager, New Business Development Department of the Company
June 2015 Executive Officer of the Company, Deputy Manager of New Business Development Division
June 2017 Director and Executive Officer of the Company, Division Manager, New Business Development Division
January 2019 Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company
up to the present
石橋 秀一氏
Mr. Shuichi Ishibashi
ブリヂストン 取締役 代表執行役 Global CEO
Member of the Board,Global CEO and Representative Executive Officer, Bridgestone
89年米ファイアストンタイヤ アンド ラバーカンパニー派遣、米ブリヂストン/ファイアストンでは副社長も務め、大規模リコール(回収・無償修理)問題などに直面した同社の経営立て直しに当たる。
2003年に帰国、05年執行役員、12年常務執行役員、14年専務執行役員、16年執行役副社長、19年代表執行役副会長、20年から代表執行役Global CEO(現職)。
Born in 1954 in Fukuoka Prefecture. Joined Bridgestone Tire Co., Ltd (currently Bridgestone Corporation) in 1977.
In 1989, he was dispatched to Firestone Tire and Rubber Company in the U.S. He also served as Board member, Executive and Vice President of Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., where he was responsible for the company's management restructuring in the face of a major recall in 2000.
He returned to Japan in 2003, became Vice President and Officer in 2005, Vice President and Senior Officer in 2012, Senior Vice President in 2014, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer in 2016, Vice Chair and Representative Executive Officer in 2019. Appointed as Member of the Board, Global CEO and Representative Executive Officer in 2020 (current position).
Bridgestone places sustainability at the core of management and business, and promotes its transformation to a sustainable solutions company.
Mr.Alan R.Turley
在日米国大使館 商務担当公使
Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs,
U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan
在日米国大使館商務部公使参事官。在京大使館と大阪総領事館にて 商務部門に従事する36名の職員の 責任者。日米間の貿易・経済関係の緊密化を推進している。CSジャパンチームは、米国の対日輸出を促進し、日本の対米直接投資を奨励し、日本の貿易・投資環境の改善に努め、二国間の商業関係に関する貿易政策問題について商務省幹部への助言することが主要任務。
東京駐在前は、ワシントンD.C.で中国・モンゴル担当の商務次官補代理を務め、中国・モンゴル市場における国際貿易管理(ITA)プログラムの責任者を務めた。2002年から2016年まで、フェデックス エクスプレスのアジア太平洋地区国際担当副社長を務めた。フェデックスの栄誉ある「ファイブスター賞」を2度受賞し、中国初の国際航空エクスプレスハブの建設、中国におけるフェデックスの完全所有事業の設立、フェデックスによるTNTエクスプレスの買収承認など、アジアにおけるフェデックスの急成長と拡大に貢献した。
Alan Turley is the Minister-Counselor for Commercial Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo,
Japan. He leads a team of 36 U.S. Commercial Service professionals in Tokyo and Osaka that is
dedicated to promoting closer trade and economic ties between the United States and Japan. The
CS Japan team promotes U.S. exports to Japan, encourages Japanese direct investment into the
United States, works to improve the trade and investment climate in Japan and advises the
leadership in the Department of Commerce on trade-policy issues regarding the bilateral
commercial relationship.
Prior returning to Tokyo, Mr. Turley was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for China
and Mongolia in Washington D.C., where he was responsible for International Trade
Administration (ITA) programs in those markets. From 2002 to 2016, Mr. Turley was Vice
President for International Affairs in Asia Pacific for FedEx Express. Twice a winner of FedEx’s
coveted “Five Star Award”, Mr. Turley helped manage FedEx’s rapid growth and expansion in
Asia, including the building of China’s first international air express hub, the founding of
FedEx’s wholly-owned operations in China, and the approval of FedEx’s purchase of TNT
Mr. Turley’s previous service in the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service started in 1986 in
Japan, where he headed the Major Projects and Transportation Equipment Unit. Mr. Turley then
served as the Director of the Commercial Service's International Marketing Center at the U.S.
Embassy in London before moving back to Asia to become Deputy Senior Commercial Officer
at the American Institute in Taiwan. From 1996 to 2000, Mr. Turley was the Minister-Counselor
for Commercial Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and after that service he returned to Japan
to serve in the same capacity at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo.
Alan Turley was educated in public schools in Cheshire Connecticut and was graduated from the
University of Virginia with High Honors in 1983. After receiving his B.A., Mr. Turley spent
two years studying Chinese in Taiwan at National Taiwan Normal University's Mandarin
Training Center.
井垣 勉氏
Mr. Tsutomu Igaki
オムロン 執行役員常務 グローバルコーポレートコミュニケーション&エンゲージメント本部長 兼 サステナビリティ推進担当
Managing Executive Officer Senior General Manager, Global Corporate Communications & Engagement HQ and Sustainability Executive, OMRON Corporation
1989年に早稲田大学商学部を卒業。マツダ、アンダーセンコンサルティング(現アクセンチュア)、日本コカ・コーラなどを経て、13年2月にコーポレートコミュニケーションとブランド戦略の責任者としてオムロンに入社。現在は、コーポレートコミュニケーションとブランド戦略に加え、資本市場とのエンゲージメント、政策渉外、サステナビリティ推進をグローバルに統括。23年4月より現職。公職では、経済産業省「SX研究会」や、内閣官房「非財務情報可視化研究会」等の委員を歴任。米国の機関投資家向け専門誌「Institutional Investors」の「All Japan Executive Team Ranking 2023」でバイサイドが選ぶ「産業電機セクター」の「Best IR Professional」第一位に選出。
As Managing Executive Officer, Tsutomu Igaki leads stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, brand strategy, public affairs, and sustainability initiatives on a global basis. Prior to joining OMRON in February 2013, he had built his professional career in marketing and communications in global companies such as Coca-Cola Japan, Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), and Mazda Motor Corporation. He also served as a public appointee in government-led initiatives such as "SX Study Group'' organized by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Cabinet Secretariat's "Non-Financial Information Visualization Study Group.''
In the All-Japan Executive Team Ranking 2023 conducted by the U.S. Magazine “Institutional Investors,” he ranked number one in the Best IR Professional category for the industrial electronics sector, a selection by buy-side investment professionals. Tsutomu has a bachelor’s degree in commerce from Waseda University.
松原 稔氏
Mr. Minoru Matsubara
りそなアセットマネジメント 責任投資部 チーフ・サステナビリティ・オフィサー
Chief Sustainability Officer,Responsible Investment Department Resona Asset Management
りそなアセットマネジメント チーフ・サステナビリティ・オフィサー 責任投資部担当常務執行役員。1991年にりそな銀行に入行し、投資開発室及び公的資金運用部、年金信託運用部、信託財産運用部、運用統括部、アセットマネジメント部で運用管理、企画、責任投資を担当。2020年1月にりそなアセットマネジメント責任投資部長に就任し、23年8月より現職。経済産業省「サステナブルな企業価値創造のための長期経営・長期投資に資する対話研究会(SX研究会)」委員、日本国際博覧会協会「持続可能性有識者委員会」委員なども務める。
Chie Sustainability Officer, Managing Executive Officer in charge of Resona Asset Management Responsible Investment Department. Joined Resona Bank in 1991, and was in charge of investment management, planning, and responsible investment in the Investment Development Office, Public Fund Management Department, Pension Trust Management Department, Trust Property Management Department, Investment Management Department, and Asset Management Department. He was appointed as the Responsible Investment Manager at Resona Asset Management in January 2020, and has been in his current position since August 2023. He also serves as a member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Study Group for Dialogue Contributing to Long-Term Management and Long-Term Investment for Creating Sustainable Corporate Value (SX Study Group)'' and the Japan Association for World Expositions' "Sustainability Expert Committee.''
島田 知実氏
Ms. Tomomi Shimada
J.P.モルガン・アセット・マネジメント サステナブル・インベスティング・チーム ストラテジスト
Lead Sustainable Investing Strategist for APAC, JP Morgan Asset Management
島田 知実氏(JPモルガン・アセット・マネジメント社、エグゼクティブ・ディレクター)は、同社アジア環太平洋地域におけるサステナブル・インベスティング・チームのストラテジストとして、サステナブル投資関連の戦略立案やアドバイザリー、プロダクト開発に携わっている。営業チームや運用チームと連携し、自社の広範なデータとリサーチ能力、独自のテクノロジー、ESGの専門知識を活用して、顧客にサステナブルなソリューションを提供。2021年にアジアに赴任する前は、ロンドンを拠点にヨーロッパ、中東およびアフリカ地域のサステナブル投資ストラテジストを務めていた。
Tomomi Shimada, Executive Director, is responsible for leading and implementing the firm's sustainable investment strategy, solutions and product innovation in APAC. In partnership with our distribution and investment teams, she leverages our extensive data and research capabilities, proprietary technology and ESG expertise to deliver sustainable solutions to our clients. Prior to moving to Asia in 2021, she was a Sustainable Investing Strategist for EMEA, based in London. An employee since 2010, she was previously an Investment Stewardship Specialist, engaging with European and Japanese companies we invest in and advising analysts and portfolio managers regarding the corporate governance and sustainability profiles of the companies. Prior to that, she worked as a Business Liaison Manager in J.P. Morgan Asset Management managing Japanese Institutional and Funds clients from London. She started her career as a Client Adviser at JPMorgan Asset Management Tokyo office, covering securities companies and major retail banks. Tomomi obtained a B.A. in Law from Keio University (Japan). Tomomi is a member of the International Corporate Governance Network.
メラニー ナカガワ氏
Ms.Melanie Nakagawa
マイクロソフト 最高サステナビリティ責任者
Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft
マイクロソフトのチーフ・サステナビリティ・オフィサーであるメラニー・ナカガワ氏は、同社の掲げる、2030 年までに全社的にカーボン ネガティブ、ウォーター ポジティブ、廃棄物ゼロを実現するという公約の達成に向けた取組を主導している。政策、ビジネス、テクノロジーの分野で20年近い経験を持ち、最近ではホワイトハウスの大統領特別補佐官兼国家安全保障会議気候・エネルギー担当シニアディレクターを務めた。ホワイトハウス勤務以前は、プリンスヴィル・キャピタルの初代グローバル成長株気候技術ファンドの立ち上げに携わり、気候変動に対する変革的ソリューションを提供する企業に投資した。また、ジョン・ケリー国務長官の気候変動・環境問題に関する戦略アドバイザーを務めたほか、米上院議員や天然資源防衛評議会でも活躍した。アメリカン大学で法学博士号と修士号、ブラウン大学で文学士号を取得。
As Microsoft’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Melanie Nakagawa leads the company’s commitments to become carbon negative, water positive, and zero waste by 2030. She brings nearly two decades of experience at the nexus of policy, business, and technology, most recently serving as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Climate and Energy on the National Security Council at the White House. Prior to the White House, Melanie helped launch Princeville Capital's inaugural global growth equity climate technology fund, investing in companies delivering transformative solutions to climate change. She also served as a strategic advisor to Secretary of State John Kerry on climate change and environmental issues and held roles in the U.S. Senate and with the Natural Resources Defense Council. Melanie has a JD and MA from American University and AB from Brown University.
パトリック ジメット氏
Mr.Patrick Zimet
米国商務省 ファイナンス アンド プロフェッショナルサービス オフィスリスク・保険・プロフェッショナルサービス チームリーダー
Team Lead, Risk, Insurance, and Professional Services, Office of Finance and Professional Services,
U.S. Department of Commerce
Patrick is the Team Lead for Risk, Insurance, and Professional Services and an International Trade Specialist in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. He manages a team covering a portfolio of sectors key to U.S. economic competitiveness, including corporate sustainability and risk, sustainable finance, insurance, digital assets, financial technology, education services, legal and consulting services, and architecture, engineering, and construction services. In addition, Patrick is the Coordinator of the Department’s ESG Initiative. Patrick works with foreign governments and U.S. industry to promote and enhance the competitiveness of U.S. companies entering or operating in foreign markets. Prior to joining the U.S. Department of Commerce, Patrick worked as a consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton and The Cohen Group and in international development in the Peace Corps in St. Lucia and at BRAC, an international NGO in Bangladesh. Patrick holds an M.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and a B.A. in Political Science from Indiana University.