- 【WEBライブ配信】 FinCity Global Forum ~資産運用と国際金融都市の目指す未来~
【WEBライブ配信】 FinCity Global Forum
ライブ中継URL(3/19木 13:00~17:30頃 予定):https://channel.nikkei.co.jp/e/20200319fincity
- 開催日時
- 2020/3/19(木)
- 受講料/Tuition
- 主催/Organized by
一般社団法人 東京国際金融機構(FinCity.Tokyo)
- 共催/Co-host
日本経済新聞社/Nikkei Inc.
- 後援/Supporter
金融庁/Financial Services Agency
- お問い合わせ
TEL:03-6812-8652 FAX:03-6812-8649
(受付時間 9:30~17:30 土・日・祝日を除く)
E-mail: project-am@nex.nikkei.co.jp
- Application
If you would like to apply in English from overseas, please send us an e-mail to: project-am@nex.nikkei.co.jp by Friday,March6th,2020
プログラム Program
13:00~17:30 第1部:フォーラム/Part1 Forum
13:00~13:20 開会挨拶/Opening Remarks
FinCity.Tokyo 会長 中曽 宏/Mr. Hiroshi Nakaso, Chairman, FinCity.Tokyo
13:20~13:50 講演①/Keynote Speech①
金融庁 長官 遠藤 俊英氏/Mr. Toshihide Endo, Commissioner, Financial Services Agency (FSA)
13:50~14:10 講演②/Keynote Speech②
日本投資顧問業協会 会長 大場 昭義氏/Mr. Akiyoshi Oba, Chairman, Japan Investment Advisers Association (JIAA)
14:10~14:30 講演③/Keynote Speech③
アフラック生命保険 代表取締役会長/アフラック・インターナショナル・インコーポレーテッド 取締役社長 チャールズ D. レイク II氏
Mr. Charles D. Lake II, Chairman and Representative Director, Aflac Life Insurance Japan Ltd./President, Aflac International
14:30~14:45 休憩/Break
14:45~15:55 パネルディスカッション①/Panel Session①
「Advancement of the asset management industry and Global Financial City Initiative」
金融庁 総合政策局 総合政策課長 田原 泰雅氏
Mr. Yasumasa Tahara, Director of Strategy Development Division, Financial Services Agency (FSA)
日本生命保険取締役常務執行役員 戸田 和秀氏
Mr. Kazuhide Toda. Managing Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer, Nippon Life Insurance Company
マネックスグループ取締役会長兼代表執行役社長CEO 松本 大氏
Mr. Oki Matsumoto, Chairman & CEO, Monex Group, Inc.
15:55~16:40 パネルディスカッション②/Panel Session②
「Regional revitalization through asset management and solving social issues」
西日本機械金属企業年金基金 運用執行理事 木口 愛友氏
CIO, West Japan Machinery Pension Fund
コモンズ投信 取締役会長 渋澤 健氏
Mr. Ken Shibusawa, Chief Executive Officer, Shibusawa and Company, Inc.Founder and Chairman, Commons Asset Management
地域創生ソリューション 代表取締役社長 佐藤 学氏
Mr. Manabu Sato, President and Representative Director,Regional Revitalzation Solution
日本経済新聞社 編集委員 小栗 太
Mr. Futoshi Oguri, Senior Staff Writer,Nikkei Inc.
16:40~17:25 パネルディスカッション③/Panel Session③
「Balancing competition and collaboration among international financial cities」
Mr. Jochen Biedermann, Managing Director, World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC)
Mr. Hubertus Vaeth, Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance
国際銀行協会 事務局長 ギャリー・スタントン氏/Mr. Gary Stanton FCSI, Secretary General, International Bankers Association of Japan (IBA)
FinCity.Tokyo 専務理事 有友 圭一
Mr. Keiichi Aritomo, Executive Director of FinCity.Tokyo
※Please note that the program is subject to change without prior notification.
登壇者 Speaker
中曽 宏 Hiroshi Nakaso
FinCity.Tokyo 会長/Chairman, FinCity.Tokyo
1978年東京大学経済学部卒、日本銀行入行。国際決済銀行(BIS)出向、2003年金融市場局長などを経て、08年理事、13年副総裁。日本銀行での39年間、主に金融システムとグローバル金融市場の危機管理や量的緩和政策の出口政策を指揮。18年同行退職、大和総研理事長。19年4月東京国際金融機構(FinCity Tokyo)会長。
Hiroshi Nakaso was appointed chairman of a new organization to promote Tokyo as a global financial center. The new organization is known by its abbreviated name, “FinCity Tokyo”. He was appointed chairman of the Daiwa Institute of Research (DIR) in July 2018 after completing his term as Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan. He served as the Deputy Governor of the BOJ since March 2013. In his 39 years at the Bank, his main responsibilities have been crisis management of financial systems and markets focusing on global systems. He dealt with the homegrown financial crisis of the 1990s. He headed the exit operation from the Quantitative Easing Policy, a prototypical unconventional policy that lasted from 2001 to 2006. In addition, he played an
instrumental role in addressing the Global Financial Crisis together with his peers at major central banks including the FRB.
遠藤 俊英氏 Toshihide Endo
金融庁 長官/Commissioner, Financial Services Agency (FSA)
Since joining the FSA in 2002, Mr. Endo has held various executive posts, including the Director-General of the Supervisory Bureau and the Inspection Bureau as well as the Deputy Director-General of the Planning and Coordination Bureau. When he was the Director-General of the Supervisory Bureau, he led the supervision of banks, broker-dealers, insurance companies and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan. As the Director-General of the Inspection Bureau, he integrated the processes of on-site inspection and off-site monitoring, aiming for an in-depth understanding of financial institutions and the financial system in effective manner. Also, as the Deputy Director-General of the Planning and Coordination Bureau, he was responsible for overall policy making for the financial system and markets, and the supervision of securities exchanges.
大場 昭義氏 Akiyoshi Oba
日本投資顧問協会 会長/Chairman, Japan Investment Advisers Association (JIAA)
みずほ信託銀行 執行役員運用本部長、常務執行役員、みずほ年金研究所取締役社長を経て、2009年東京海上アセットマネジメント代表取締役社長に就任。同社取締役会長を経て17年6月日本投資顧問業協会 会長就任。
Akiyoshi Oba, CMA, has been President & CEO of Tokio Marine Asset Management since 2009. Prior to that, he was President & CEO of Mizuho Pension Research Institute, and served as Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Mizuho Trust & Banking.
Mr. Oba has been engaged in pension asset management for many years and contributed substantially to the initiatives of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as members of: FSA’s “The Council Experts Concerning the Japanese Version of the Stewardship Code” and “The Council of Experts Concerning the Corporate Governance Code”; and METI’s project of “Competitiveness and Incentives for Sustainable Growth – Building Favorable Relationships between Companies and Investors –“ (Ito Review)
チャールズ D. レイク Ⅱ氏 Charles D. Lake II
アフラック生命保険 代表取締役会長/Chairman and Representative Director, Aflac Life Insurance Japan Ltd.
アフラック・インターナショナル・インコーポレーテッド 取締役社長/President, Aflac International
1999年アフラック入社、統括法律顧問、副社長などを経て、2003年1月 日本における代表者・社長、05年4月 日本における代表者・副会長、08年7月 日本における代表者・会長を歴任。14年1月よりアフラックインターナショナル 取締役社長(兼務)、18年4月2日、アフラック生命保険の発足に伴い、同社代表取締役会長に就任(現職)。現在、東京エレクトロン社外取締役、日本郵政社外取締役を務める。2006年から16年までは東京証券取引所、日本取引所グループ社外取締役を務めた。他に、米日経済協議会理事(2011年11月~13年11月会長・日米財界人会議米側議長)、公正取引委員会「独占禁止懇話会」会員、内閣府「対日直接投資推進会議」アドバイザー等を兼務する。
Charles Lake joined Aflac in 1999. After serving as General Counsel and, later, Deputy President, Lake became President and Representative in Japan in 2003; Vice Chairman and Representative in Japan in 2005; and Chairman and Representative in Japan in 2008. In 2014, he also assumed the position of President, Aflac International. Upon the establishment of Aflac Life Insurance Japan Ltd. (Aflac Japan) on April 2, 2018, Lake became Aflac Japan’s Chairman and Representative Director.
Lake currently serves as an independent outside director on the boards of Tokyo Electron Ltd. and Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd. From 2006-2016, Lake served as a director on the board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Japan Exchange Group, Inc. He also serves on the board of the U.S.-Japan Business Council (Board Chairman and U.S.-Japan Business Conference Chair (U.S.-side), 2011-2013), is an advisor on the Government of Japan’s Council for Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan, and is a member of the Japan Fair Trade Commission’s Antimonopoly Study Group.
田原 泰雅氏 Yasumasa Tahara
金融庁 総合政策局 総合政策課長 /Director of Strategy Development Division, Financial Services Agency (FSA)
1990年4月 大蔵省銀行局総務課
2010年7月 財務省国際局為替市場課資金管理室長
2012年7月 金融庁総務企画局政策課企画官兼総務企画局総務課
2012年9月 金融庁総務企画局 総務課国際室長
2014年7月 金融庁総務企画局 市場課長
2015年7月 金融庁総務企画局企業開示課長
2018年7月 金融庁総合政策局総合政策課長
During his career at Ministry of Finance and JFSA, Mr. Tahara was engaged in wide variety of tasks including management of government’s foreign reserves during global financial crisis (GMC) and engagement in international financial regulations and standards after GMC.From 2015 to 2018, he promoted reform of corporate governance, corporate disclusore and auditing.
Mr. Tahara graduated with an LL.B. from the University of Tokyo. He also holds an MBA from Stanford University.
戸田 和秀氏 Kazuhide Toda
日本生命保険取締役常務執行役員/Director of Strategy Development Division, Financial Services Agency (FSA)
1986年3月 上智大学 経済学部卒業
1986年4月 日本生命保険相互会社入社
2006年3月 ニッセイアセットマネジメント 企画総務部担当部長 兼 経営企画室長 兼 広報室長
2007年3月 日本生命保険相互会社 金融投資部長
2009年3月 同社 国際業務部長
2012年3月 同社 財務第一部長
2014年3月 同社 アジア総支配人 兼 審議役(国際業務部)
2015年3月 同社 執行役員 アジア総支配人 兼 審議役(国際業務部)
2018年3月 同社 執行役員 審議役(資金証券)
2018年7月 同社 取締役執行役員(資金証券部、株式部、国際投資部、金融投資部、クレジット投資部、特別勘定運用部担当)
2019年3月 同社 取締役常務執行役員(資金証券部、株式部、国際投資部、金融投資部、クレジット投資部、特別勘定運用部担当)
04/1986 Joined Nippon Life Insurance Company
03/2006 Nissay Asset Management Corporation
General Manager, Corporate Planning and Administrative Dept.,
Head of Corporate Planning Office & Head of Public Communications Office
03/2007 Nippon Life Insurance Company
General Manager, Credit & Alternative Investment Dept.
03/2009 General Manager, International Planning & Operations Dept.
03/2012 General Manager, 1st Corporate Finance Dept.
03/2014 General Manager for Asia Pacific
03/2015 Executive Officer, Head of Asia Pacific
03/2018 Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer
07/2018 Member of the Board of Directors
Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer
03/2019 Member of the Board of Directors
Managing Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer
松本 大氏 Oki Matsumoto
マネックスグループ取締役会長兼代表執行役社長CEO /Chairman & CEO, Monex Group, Inc.
1963年生まれ。ソロモン・ブラザーズ・アジア証券会社を経て、90年よりゴールドマン・サックス証券会社に勤務。債券為替部門を統括し、94年、30歳で当時同社最年少ゼネラル・パートナー(共同経営者)に就任。99年、ソニーとの共同出資でマネックスを創業。マネックスは東京証券取引所市場第一部に上場されており、そこで代表執行役CEOを務める。マネックスグループは、オンライン証券の主要プレーヤーへと成長し、日本、米国、中国(含む香港)、豪州において個人向けオンライン証券業を営む。2018年4月、コインチェックをグループ化し、仮想通貨事業に本格的に参入した。20年1月、カタリスト投資顧問を設立し、上場企業に対する提案と対話(エンゲージメント)を通じた投資リターンの実現、さらには日本の資本市場の活性化を追求する。約1100人の従業員のうち、半数以上が米国を拠点としている。金融審議会専門委員、数社の社外取締役などを歴任、東京証券取引所の社外取締役を08年から13年まで務めた。現在、米マスターカード、ユーザベースの社外取締役、Human Rights Watchの国際理事会副会長、国際文化会館の評議員も務める。
Born in 1963. BA in Law from the University of Tokyo (1987). Began his career at Salomon Brothers and joined Goldman Sachs in 1990. He was the head of their fixed income and currency business in Asia and became General Partner in 1994 at the age of 30, the youngest ever at that time. In 1999, he founded Monex which was jointly capitalized with Sony. Monex is listed on the 1st section of Tokyo Stock Exchange where he is presently Chairman & CEO.
Monex Group, Inc. has grown to become a major online financial institution that operates retail online brokerages in Japan, US, China (including Hong Kong), and Australia. In addition, with the inclusion of Coincheck in April 2018, the crypto-asset business became one of the core pillar of the business segments. In January 2020, Monex established Japan Catalyst, Inc. to pursue investment returns through proposals to and engagement with listed Japanese companies to stimulate Japanese capital markets. The group has about 1100 employees worldwide with over half of its staffs located in the United States.
He served as Financial Counsel to the Prime Minister and also as outside directors of several companies including Tokyo Stock Exchange from June 2008 to 2013. He presently is an outside director of MasterCard, Incorporated. and UZABASE Inc. He is also a councilor of International House of Japan and a Vice Chair of Human Rights Watch.
木口 愛友氏 Yoshi Kiguchi
西日本機械金属企業年金基金 運用執行理事/CIO, West Japan Machinery Pension Fund
2009年西日本機械金属企業年金基金(旧 岡山県機械金属工業厚生年金基金)運用執行理事を兼任
Yoshi focuses innovative strategies and products with the investment horizon structures. He has more than 30 years of experience in investment and risk management.
Before that, Mr. Kiguchi was a managing director of Russell Investments in Japan, where he supervised several teams, and delivered a wide range of consulting and solutions to the institutional clients including Toyota, Fujitsu, NEC, Sekisui, Toray, and Mazda. He joined Russell as a consultant in 1998.
Prior to joining Russell, Mr. Kiguchi was with Sumitomo Life for ten years. He was placed in charge of corporate strategy, equity investments, researching capital markets, including private equities, and performing quantitative risk management and ALM.
B.S., Precision Machinery (Robotics), the University of Tokyo, 1988
渋澤 健氏 Ken Shibusawa
コモンズ投信 取締役会長/Chief Executive Officer, Shibusawa and Company, Inc.Founder and Chairman, Commons Asset Management
シブサワ・アンド・カンパニー代表取締役。コモンズ投信取締役会長。1961年生まれ。69年父の転勤で渡米し、83年テキサス大学化学工学部卒業。財団法人日本国際交流センターを経て、87年UCLA大学MBA経営大学院卒業。JPモルガン、ゴールドマンサックスなど米系投資銀行でマーケット業務に携わり、96年米大手ヘッジファンドに入社、97年から東京駐在員事務所の代表を務める。2001年に独立し、シブサワ・アンド・カンパニーを創業。07年コモンズを創業(08年コモンズ投信に改名し、会長に就任)。経済同友会幹事(アフリカ委員会副委員長、政策審議委員会委員、他)、外務省「SDGsを達成する新たな資金を考える有識者懇談会」座長、UNDP(国連開発計画)SDGs Impact運営委員会委員、等を務める。著著書に『渋沢栄一100の訓言』、『人生100年時代のらくちん投資』、『あらすじ 論語と算盤』他。
Ken Shibusawa founded in 2001, Shibusawa and Company, Inc., a strategic advisory firm specializing in investments, corporate governance, ESG and human resource development. He also founded in 2008, Commons Asset Management, a mutual fund dedicated to deliver long term investment opportunities to the Japanese household. He has extensive market experience at JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs as well as Moore Capital, a global macro hedge fund, where he was the representative managing director of the Tokyo Office. He is also director of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), and currently serves as vice chairman of the Africa Committee. He was also named chair of the committee on “New financing mechanisms for SDGs” organized under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also is a steering committee member of UNDP SDGs Impact.
He is also a published author and writes frequently in magazines, journals, and internet media.
He was educated in the United States from second grade elementary through college (University of Texas, BS Chemical Engineering, 1983), and then returned again for graduate school (University of California Los Angeles, MBA, 1987).
佐藤 学氏 Manabu Sato
地域創生ソリューション 代表取締役社長/Representative Director & President, Reginonal Revitalization Solution, Inc.
1979年 3月 東京大学 法学部 卒業
1979年 4月 日本航空株式会社 入社
2008年 4月 執行役員経営企画室副室長
2010年 1月 執行役員管財人室長
2010年 12月 執行役員経営企画本部長
2011年 6月 日本トランスオーシャン航空株式会社・代表取締役社長
2014年 6月 空港施設株式会社・代表取締役副社長
2018年 2月 地域創生ソリューション株式会社・代表取締役社長
Japan Airlines Co., Ltd ( April 1979 - June 2014 )
・Executive Officer & Deputy General Manager, Corporate Planning Office
・Executive Officer & General Manager, Trustee Office
・Executive Officer, Corporate Strategy Planning
・Executive Officer, Representative Director & President of Japan Transocean Air Co., Ltd.
Airport Facilities Co., Ltd ( June 2014 - June 2017 )
・Representative Director & Executive Vice President
Regional Revitalization Solution, Inc. ( February 2018 - Present )
・Representative Director & President
Jochen Biedermann
Managing Director, World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC)
Jochen Biedermann serves as Managing Director of the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), an international non-profit association registered in Brussels. WAIFC represents leading international financial centres across four continents.In addition, Jochen is the CEO of Blockchain Asia Ltd., a Blockchain company founded in Hong Kong in 2016.He serves as an expert to the Sino-German Center for Finance and Economics in Frankfurt, which is backed by the central banks, government institutions and leading universities in China and Germany.Jochen is Senior Advisor at Frankfurt Main Finance, the initiative of Frankfurt financial centre, where he takes care of development and implementing partnerships between Frankfurt and other international financial centres.Furthermore, he is the FinTech coordinator for the EU Financial Centre Roundtable, a member of the Advisory Council on FinTech of Astana International Financial Centre, a mentor at Accelerator Frankfurt and a mentor at Plug and Play Tech Center.From 1999 to 2013 Jochen worked for Deutsche Boerse Group. As SVP for International Affairs, he oversaw its business in emerging markets.Since 2001 he regularly serves as a lecturer at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management as well as a supervisor of its MBA students.Jochen holds a diploma in mathematics & computer science from the University of Goettingen and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Cottbus, Germany.
Hubertus Vaeth
Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance
During his 12-year tenure at Deutsche Bank, Hubertus Väth held the positions of Analyst, Head of Communications and Chief Economist for Asia and Global Head of Marketing for Wealth Management at offices in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Singapore. He is the Founder of the NewMark Group and CEO of NewMark Finanzkommunikation GmbH, established in 1997 and specialized in market research, business consulting and financial communication. In 2008, Väth was appointed Managing Director of Frankfurt Main Finance, the Financial Centre initiative for Frankfurt and the leading Financial Centre in Germany and the Euro Zone. Most recently, he was appointed to the Board of Directors of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), which was created to facilitate cooperation and exchange of best practices among international financial centres and to foster greater exchange with international public authorities. Väth regularly speaks at international financial conferences on Brexit, FinTechs and Financial Centre Development; Euro Clearing and Green Finance. Väth is a Special Fellow of the Financial Think Tank of AFCA and publishes regularly in this capacity. He is a member of Rotary Club and has a Diploma in Economics from the University Mainz, Germany. Väth is an occasional lecturer at Universities and Business Schools.
ギャリー・スタントン氏 Gary Stanton
国際銀行協会 事務局長/Secretary General, International Bankers Association of Japan (IBA)
多数の試験と長い経験を経て取得できるイギリスの証券投資業界の最高レベルの資格FCSI: Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investmentを取得。
Gary has over 40 years’ experience in Financial Services working with Banks, Securities and Asset Management firms on their domestic and cross border business in operational and consulting roles. During the 1980s and early 1990s he worked in senior roles for several major global banks and securities firms in Japan, developing their international business. In 1992 he left Japan to work for Banque Indosuez Private Banking in Geneva in their Japanese Client Business. In 1997 he returned to the UK working as a consultant on Japanese Business. In 2007 he joined the major global accounting firm EY in the UK, latterly becoming advisory leader for their Japanese financial services business in EMEIA. In 2014 he returned to Japan working in EY Japan’s Financial Services Advisory Practice. He became Secretary General of the International Bankers Association of Japan in January 2019.
Gary has strong Financial Services Business, Regulation and Technology knowledge and is a fluent Japanese speaker. He is also an early stage technology investor.
Gary is a fellow of Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (UK).
He is married with 3 children.
有友 圭一 Keiichi Aritomo
FinCity.Tokyo 専務理事/Executive Director of FinCity.Tokyo
東京国際金融機構(通称 FinCity.Tokyo)の専務理事。また、国際資産運用センター推進機構(JIAM)の共同設立者・理事。金融機関向けAIソリューションに特化したKensho Technologies(S&Pの子会社)のアジア代表でもある。前職は、マッキンゼー、Deloitte、PwCで金融とテクノロジー担当のパートナーを歴任し、日本、北米、ヨーロッパ、東南アジアで多様な金融機関に関与した。
Keiichi Aritomo is Executive Director of FinCity.Tokyo which is to continuously promote Tokyo as a leading global financial city. Keiichi is also a co-founder and Board Director of JIAM (the Consortium for Japan International Asset Management Center). He is also Asia Head of Kensho Technologies, LLC, a leading financial AI solution provider and a subsidiary of S&P. Keiichi used to be a Partner at McKinsey & Company, Deloitte and PwC, where he specialized in financial services industry and technology strategies across North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and Japan.