- The 2nd Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference An international conference aiming to resolve the issues of ageing
The 2nd Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference
An international conference aiming to resolve the issues of ageing
Ageing of societies around the world will continue to proceed rapidly in the next half century. Therefore, we have to provide and share ideas to tackle the dramatic social changes we are facing due to the ageing of the population.
In this conference, focusing on possible future issues, we will invite leading experts from industry, academia and government around the world to discuss how to achieve a more active ageing society. The second Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference will also include the viewpoint of “vulnerability” for the elderly, highlighted by the coronavirus crisis. We will make proposals for resolving issues of ageing in the post-coronavirus era as guidelines for policymaking.
- Date
- Nov. 16, 2020 (Mon) 9:00~17:40 (Registration starts at 8:30)
- Venue
Iino Hall
Iino Hall, 4F-6F Iino Building, 2-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
- Organized by
Nikkei Inc.
- Media partner
The Financial Times
- Supporters
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
Financial Services Agency (FSA)
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO)
Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
- In association with
Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
- Sponsors
Eisai Co., Ltd.
IBM Japan, Ltd.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
MTG Co.,Ltd.
- In cooperation with
Monitor Deloitte
- Admission Fee
- How to watch
You can choose to watch this event remotely or onsite. * Pre-registration required.
- Registration due date
To watch livestreaming * Application deadline: Nov. 11, 2020 (Wed)
The URL for the livestreaming will be sent via email by the day before the conference (Nov. 15).
※Please check your internet connection 10 mins before livestreaming.To attend onsite * Application deadline: Nov. 1, 2020 (Sun)
A lottery may be held if there are more than capacities. The result will be announced in a message to the registered email address. We will inform you of the URL for the livestreaming if you do not win an onsite ticket.
- Language
Simultaneous interpretations in English and Japanese
- Inquiry
E-mail: saasc@nex.nikkei.co.jp
- Steering Committee Members
<Chair> Atsushi Seike President, Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan
<Secretary-General>Hiroki Nakatani Specially-appointed professor, Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)Members(In alphabetical order)
Akio Yamaguchi General Manager, IBM Japan
John Piggott Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) and Scientia Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales
Keiko Shimizu President of Sawayaka Well-being Foundation
Keisuke Naito Corporate Officer Chief Digital Officer Head of Consumer Experience Transformation HQs Deputy President, Eisai Japan
Kohei Komamura Professor of Faculty of Economics and Director of the Research Center for Financial Gerontology, Keio University
Linda P. Fried Dean of Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health
Shuichi Nakamura President of Forum for Social Security Policy, Professor of Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare
Takuma Inamura Director, Healthcare Industries Division, Commerce and Service Industries Policy Group, METI
Tan Chorh Chuan Chief Health Scientist, Singapore's Ministry of Health
Toshio Nakagawa President, Japan Medical Association
Yasuyuki Sahara Senior Assistant Minister for Global Health, MHLW
Yoshiki Sawa Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
- Presentation materials( in order of program)
Toshio Nakagawa Keynote Speech (1) "Countermeasures against COVID-19: Toward A Society of Health and Longevity"
Tan Chorh Chuan Theme Lecture (1) "Health in super-active ageing societies"
Norihiro Kokudo Panel Session "Health"
Toshio Moritani Keynote Speech (3) "Potential of Routine Exercise and Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to Prevent Dementia"
Akio Yamaguchi Keynote Speech (4) "Harnessing the power of digital technology and ecosystems to improve QoL in a super ageing society"
John Piggott Theme Lecture (2) "Demographic and technological change: Two megatrends shaping the labour market in Asia"
Koji Ishizaki Panel Session "Financial Gerontology / Work-Style"
Rika Kambayashi Panel Session "Financial Gerontology / Work-Style"
Kohei Komamura Panel Session "Financial Gerontology / Work-Style"
Akitada Iso Panel Session "Society / Community"
Katsunori Kondo Panel Session "Society / Community"
Keiko Shimizu Panel Session "Society / Community"
プログラム Program
9:00-9:10 Opening Remarks
9:10-9:15 Opening Address
9:15-9:45 Opening Session
Chieko Ikeda Director-General, Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Japan
Kenichi Furuichi Vice-president, Japan National Council of Social Welfare
Yuri Okina Chairperson, The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
Atsushi Seike President, Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan
9:45-10:05 Keynote Speech (1) "Countermeasures against COVID-19: Toward A Society of Health and Longevity"
10:05-10:25 Keynote Speech (2) "Brain Performance Action - to the society everyone can care own brain health"
10:25-10:40 Break
10:40-11:00 Theme Lecture (1) "Health in super-active ageing societies"
11:00-12:00 Panel Session "Health"
Norihiro Kokudo President, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Takeshi Haeno Monitor Deloitte, Associate Director, Healthcare Strategy, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC
Yuichi Imanaka Professor and Head of the Department of Healthcare Economics and Quality Management, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Chieko Ikeda Director-General, Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Japan
12:00-12:20 Keynote Speech (3) "Potential of Routine Exercise and Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to Prevent Dementia"
12:20-12:35 Break
12:35-13:05 Special Session "Healthy Ageing in Asia Pacific Region"
Tatsuya Kondo Chief Executive Officer, Medical Excellence JAPAN
Hiroki Nakatani Specially-appointed professor, Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)
13:05-13:20 Break
13:20-13:40 Keynote Speech (4) "Harnessing the power of digital technology and ecosystems to improve QoL in a super ageing society"
13:40-14:00 Theme Lecture (2) "Demographic and technological change: Two megatrends shaping the labour market in Asia"
14:00-15:00 Panel Session "Financial Gerontology / Work-Style"
Koji Ishizaki Executive Officer & General Manager of Frontier Strategy Planning and Support Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Rika Kambayashi Representative, Rika Kambayashi Social Worker Office
Kohei Komamura Professor of Faculty of Economics and Director of Research Center for Financial Gerontology, Keio University
Yuri Okina Chairperson, The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-15:35 Theme Lecture (3) "Agendas for Older Adults Health Propelled by COVID-19"
15:35-16:35 Panel Session "Society / Community"
Akitada Iso President, Japan National Council of CEOs of Social Welfare Corporations / President of Minami Yamashiro Gakuen
Katsunori Kondo Professor of Social Epidemiology and Health Policy, Department of Social Preventive Medical Sciences, Center for Preventive Medical Sciences and the Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University / Head of Department of Gerontological Evaluation, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Keiko Shimizu President of Sawayaka Well-being Foundation
Kenichi Furuichi Vice-president, Japan National Council of Social Welfare
16:35-17:35 Summary Session
Kiyoshi Kurokawa Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, the University of Tokyo, and Tokai University / Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute
Shuichi Nakamura President of Forum for Social Security Policy / Professor of Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare
Yoshiki Sawa Professor and Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Ryoji Noritake CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute
17:35-17:40 Closing Address
登壇者 Speaker
Akio Yamaguchi
General Manager, IBM Japan
Akio Yamaguchi has been Country General Manager of IBM Japan since May 2019.
He joined IBM Japan, Ltd. in 1987. After working on system development and maintenance as an engineer, he held various positions including management & planning officer in the General Manager’s office, technical sales manager of software products. Also, he was engaged as Executive Assistant to a Senior Executive of IBM Corporation.
From 2007, he led a wide range of services business in Global Business Services, supporting clients ‘enterprise transformation in areas such as providing Consulting, System Development and System Maintenance Services, and Business Process Outsourcing. In 2017, he became General Manager of Global Business Services and a member of Board of Directors of IBM Japan.
Atsushi Seike
President, Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan
Professor Atsushi Seike is President of the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan. After serving two consecutive terms as the President of Keio University, he took up the role of Executive Advisor for Academic Affairs in May 2017. He received his Ph.D. in Labor Economics from Keio University and became Associate Professor at Keio’s Faculty of Business and Commerce in 1985, Professor in 1992, Dean from 2007-2009, and President from 2009-2017. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles, a consultant at the RAND Corporation, and an Edwin O. Reischauer Visiting Professor of Japanese Studies at Harvard University.
His roles in government committees include Chairman of the Council for the Promotion of Social Security System Reform and Honorary President of the Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office. He is also serving as President of Japan National Council of Social Welfare. He was the President of the Japan Society of Human Resource Management and the President of the Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges. He has also served as a member of the Global University Leaders Forum (GULF) and Global Agenda Council on Ageing, both at the World Economic Forum and a member of the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work.
He was awarded Honorary Doctorates from École Centrale de Nantes in 2012 and Yonsei University in 2015 and the title of Chevalier of the Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur of France in 2016.
A labor economist, he has authored many articles and books and received numerous academic prizes for his publications, including the 48th Nikkei Prize for Excellent Books in Economic Science in 2005.
Chieko Ikeda
Director-General, Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Japan
Dr.Ikeda is now in charge of Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare, MHLW, to serve as a bridge among MHLW , local governments and communities, to implement social security policies to meet the changing needs over time and support the healthy and safe lives of the people.
As a Former Senior Assistant Minister for Global Health, MHLW, Dr. Ikeda has dealt with the preparation for hosting UHC Forum in 2017 at Tokyo and G20 Joint Session of Finance and Health Ministers in 2019 at Osaka. She has been engaged in public health for 30 years at both national and local and international level. Dr. IKEDA was Executive Director of the National Hospital Organization composed of 142 hospitals in 2015 and was previously Vice-Governor of Niigata prefecture. She also led the technology transfer program at Western Pacific Regional Office of the World Health Organization(WPRO) in 1999 and activities in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region at the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) from 2000 to 2003. She graduated Tsukuba University with a degree of medicine and holds master degrees in public health and science from Harvard School of Public Health.
Hiroki Nakatani
Specially-appointed professor, Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)
In the past four years, Dr. Hiroki Nakatani has held academic positions in Japan as Project Professor at the Global Research Institute of Keio University, and Invited Professor at Osaka University Post Graduate School of Medicine. He also serves in various national and international organizations as Chair, Board of Directors, Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund); Senior-Advisor, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia(ERIA); Director, Hub on Population Ageing, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU); Member, Board of Directors, National Center for Global Health and Medicine; and Director, Human Resource Strategy Center for Global Health. He is a veteran public health specialist for over 40 years, who started his career at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan. He worked extensively in the area of health policy, public health, international health, and health science and technology. His national career includes serving as Director-General of Health and Welfare Services in Hiroshima Prefecture, where he was in charge of integration of health and welfare services in preparation for the arrival of a rapidly ageing society. With regards to international career, he served the WHO Headquarters twice. From April 1988 to March 1993, he was Policy Analysist in the Department of Human Resource for Health. From March 2007 to May 2015, he served as Assistant Director-General of WHO, leading the largest technical cluster of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases. During his tenure, the morbidity and mortality of these three major infections showed trends of decline, and a few tropical diseases were on track towards elimination and even eradication (dracunculiasis or guinea worm disease). Dr. Nakatani received his MD from Keio University School of Medicine, MHPEd from the University of New South Wales, and PhD from Keio University.
Hiroshi Yamamoto
State Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Sep. 2020 State Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Oct. 2019 Director, Committee on General Affairs, the House of Councillors(HC)
Jul. 2019 Reelected to the HC(25th regular election)
Oct. 2018 Chairperson, Special Committee on Disasters, HC
Sep. 2018 Chair, Central Discipline Committee, komeito
Nov. 2017 Chair, Disabled Welfare Committee, Komeito
Sep. 2017 Director, Committee on Land and Transport, HC
Aug. 2017 Chair Diet policy Committee of the House of Councillors, Komeito
Sep. 2016 Director, Special Committee on North Korean Abduction Issue and Related Matters, HC
Jun. 2016 Chairperson, Committee on General Affairs, HC
Sep. 2014 Member, Central Secretariat, Komeito
Director, Committee on Rules and Administration, HC
Sep. 2013 Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Finance
Aug. 2013 Director, Research Committee on Deflation-Ending Measures and Strengthening Public Finance for Nationals' Life, HC
Jul. 2013 Reelected to the HC(23rd regular election)
Sep. 2011 Chairperson, Special Committee on Consumer Affairs, HC
Nov. 2010 Director, Research Committee on National Life, Economy and Social Security, HC
Sep. 2008 Director, Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, HC
Sep. 2007 Member, Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, HC
Jul. 2007 Elected to the HC (21st regular election)
Jun. 1977 Joined IBM Japan, Ltd.
John Piggott
Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) and Scientia Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales
John Piggott is Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) at the University of New South Wales, Australia, where he is Scientia Professor of Economics.
Dr Piggott has published widely in retirement and pension economics and finance, and in public economics more generally. He currently serves as book review editor of the Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, and as an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Economics of Aging.
His Australian policy experience includes membership of both the Henry Tax Review Panel and the Ministerial Superannuation Advisory Committee, as well as interactions of many kinds with a range of Government Departments and National Inquiries.
Internationally, he worked for nearly a decade with the Japanese Government on the economic implications of an ageing population. He has undertaken consultancies and contract research for several foreign governments and international organisations on ageing and retirement issues, including Russia and Indonesia, the OECD, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and UNESCAP. In 2007 he was appointed Visiting Professor, Zhejiang University, China, and from 2008-2010 was Visiting Scholar with the Department of Insurance and Risk Management, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
In 2018, he was awarded a Rockefeller Residency to undertake research into ageing and inequality in Asia, and in the same year was appointed co-chair of the G20 Population Ageing Taskforce. In 2019, he was nominated to the Steering Committee for Nikkei-Financial Times International Conference on Super Active Ageing Society.
Katsunori Kondo
Professor of Social Epidemiology and Health Policy, Department of Social Preventive Medical Sciences, Center for Preventive Medical Sciences and the Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Head of Department of Gerontological Evaluation, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Dr. Kondo is the Principal Investigator of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) initiative, which is one of the first prospective cohort studies to investigate the influence of social determinants of health and community social capital on health outcomes among older people. He is the author of bestselling books, “Health Gap Society - what undermining mental health and society?” Igaku-Shoin, 2005, which is awarded by The Society for the Study of Social Policy, Japan. He also edited and wrote “Health Inequalities in Japan: An Empirical Study of the Older People”, Trans Pacific Press, Melbourne, 2010; “Beyond 'healthcare crisis' - future of health and long term care in the UK and Japan”, Igaku-Shoin, 2012; “Prescriptions for Health Gap Society”, Igaku-Shoin, 2017; “Social Determinants of Health in Non-communicable Diseases – Case Studies from Japan”, Springer Singapore, in press.
He has honoured Medical award 2020 of the Japan medical association.
Kei Sato
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction
Mr. Sato Kei was appointed to several senior roles in Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in September 2020. He assumed the positions of Parliamentary Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office and Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction.
Prior to his current appointments, Mr. Sato held senior posts in the House of Councillors, the upper house of Japan’s National Diet. He served as the Director for the Committee on Rules and Administration for the Members of the House of Councillors, and also as Deputy Chairperson, LDP Diet Affairs Committee in the House of Councillors. Mr. Sato was first elected as a member of the House of Councillors (Nara Constituency) in 2016.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Sato served in key posts including Assistant Director, Local Public Enterprise Office, Local Public Finance Bureau, MIC, and Secretary to the Special Advisor to the Prime Minister. From 2011, Mr. Sato was the Executive Director for the Policy Planning Department, and General Affairs Department in Hitachiota City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
Mr. Sato is a graduate of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Economics. He also studied at Carnegie Mellon University, and the School of Law at the University of Southern California.
He was born in Nara Prefecture on April 7, 1979.
Keiko Shimizu
President of Sawayaka Well-being Foundation
After graduating from Gakushuin University, Ms. Shimizu joined Mitsubishi Bank, working at a branch office and the International Planning Department. After that, she worked in financial marketing and planning departments at home and abroad as Assistant Vice President at Citibank, N.A. Private Banking Group. In 1991, she went independent as a freelance consultant specializing in new styles of working and living. She has also participated since its founding in the Sawayaka Welfare Promotion Center (now Sawayaka Well-being Foundation) and has held her current position since 2014. Now Ms. Shimizu is focusing on proposing a new social system in Japan’s super-ageing society and creating local communities where everyone can shine brilliantly.
Keisuke Naito
Corporate Officer
Chief Digital Officer
Head of Consumer Experience Transformation HQs
Deputy President, Eisai Japan
Mar. 2012 Graduated from Keio University
(B.A in Psychology)
Jun. 2017 Graduated from Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University
(Master of Business Administration)
PROFESSIONAL CAREER Oct. 2012 Morphotek Inc. (PA, USA)
Oct. 2013 Joined Eisai Co., Ltd. Corporate Planning and Strategy
Dec. 2013 Eisai Inc. (NJ, USA)
Jul. 2015 Talent Development Dept. (Kellogg School, USA)
Jul. 2017 Corporate Strategy
Apr. 2018 General Manager, Dementia Total Inclusive Ecosystem
Feb. 2019 Head of Dementia Total Inclusive Ecosystem
Jun. 2019 Corporate Officer,
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Dementia Total Inclusive Ecosystem
Jan. 2020 Corporate Officer, President, Dementia Total Inclusive Ecosystem, Chief Digital Officer
Kenichi Furuichi
Vice-president, Japan National Council of Social Welfare
Mar. 1983 Graduated from The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law,.
Jun. 2019 Vice-president, Japan National Council of Social Welfare
Mar. 2019 Retired from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Apr. 2015 Vice-president, National Hospital Organization.
Since 2005, worked for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as
the Director of Promotion Division, Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly,
the Director of Public Assistance Division, Social welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau,
the Director of General Affairs Division, Pension Bureau,
the Director of General Affairs Division, Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau,
the Deputy Director-General (mainly in charge of Wages, Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief, Humanitarian Surveys).
and worked for National Hospital Organization, as Finance Department Director.
Aug. 2000 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University.
Jul. 1999 Director of Welfare Human Resources Recruitment, Institution and Manpower Division, Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau, Ministry of Health, and Welfare.
Since 1983, worked for the Ministry of Health, and Welfare,
the Environment Agency (currently Ministry of the Environment),
the Management and Coordination Agency(currently Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), Kitakyushu City
Apr. 1983 Joined the Ministry of Health and Welfare (currently the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Visiting Professor of Nihon Fukushi University
Visiting Professor of University of Hyogo
Visiting Professor of Waseda University
As of August 2020
Kohei Komamura
Professor of Faculty of Economics and Director of Research Center for Financial Gerontology, Keio University
Keio University Graduate School(Apr.1990-Mar.1995)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Work Experience:
Research Fellow for The Social Development Research Institute (Apr.1993-Nov.1996)
Research Fellow for National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
Associate Professor for Surugadai University (Apr.1997-Mar.2000)
Associate Professor for Toyo University (Apr.2000-Mar.2005)
Professor for Toyo University (Apr.2005- Mar.2007)
The adviser for the Secretariat of the House of Councilors (Spt.2003-Mar.2006)
Professor for Keio University (Apr.2007- present)
Adviser to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Oct, 2009-present)
Kiyoshi Kurokawa
Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, the University of Tokyo, and Tokai University
Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute
Distinguished Research Affiliate of the MIT Media Lab
Member of World Dementia Council
A graduate of the University of Tokyo School of Medicine, professor of medicine at UCLA (1979-84), University of Tokyo (89-96), Dean Tokai University Medical School (96-02); President of the Science Council of Japan (2003-06); Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Japan (06-08); He served as an executive member of many national and international professional societies of his disciplines; Commissioner of WHO (05-09), Institute of Medicine of National Academies of Sciences of USA, Master of American College of Physicians and Founding Governor of ACP Japan Chapter; served as Board members of Alexandria Library (Egypt), A*STAR (Singapore), Khalifa University (UAE), OIST (Okinawa), Advisory Board to the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is a member of the World Dementia Council appointed by the UK Government in April 2014, Distinguished Research Affiliate of MIT Media Lab (2011-), and a member of International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (15-). He was Chair and Representative Director, Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (13-18), Chair of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission by the National Diet of Japan (NAIIC)(2011.12-2012.7) and received "2012 Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award" of AAAS and "100 Top Global Thinkers 2012" of 'Foreign Policy' for his leadership in NAIIC. He was appointed chair of AI Advisory Board for COVID-19 by Economic Revitalization Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura in July 2020.
He is a recipient of Medal with Purple Ribbon (1999) and the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star (2011 Spring) from the Government of Japan for Excellence in Academic Achievements, Order Legion de Honour of the Government of France (2009), Person of the Year of the American Chamber of Commerce of Japan (2010) and Distinguished Achievement Award of Tokyo American Club (2013).
His website: https://kiyoshikurokawa.com/en/
Koji Ishizaki
Executive Officer & General Manager of Frontier Strategy Planning and Support Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Keio University in 1988 (Majoring in Social Welfare), Ishizaki joined Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation and has since been widely engaged in the trust business such as with corporate agency business, pensions, inheritance, real estate, and more. The new products asset management service called “Zutto Anshin Shintaku” which helps customers and their families protect their funds and allows them to receive funds according to their chosen plan and “Mago-Yorokobu” a product that leverages the system of Educational Fund Gift Trust, which were developed to solve social issues, have been awarded the Nikkei Veritas Award consecutively. Currently, Ishizaki is the general manager of the Frontier Strategy Planning and Support Division, which oversees new product development for financial gerontology research, senior citizens, renewable energy, and regional revitalization.
Linda P. Fried
Dean and DeLamar Professor of Public Health
Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
A world-renowned geriatrician and epidemiologist, Dr. Fried is a serial innovator, known for tackling the major issues of our lengthening lives that affect our collective health and future. Her scientific contributions include creating the transformational science defining frailty as a medical condition, led research on the natural history of frailty and disability, and illuminating their causes and the potential for prevention and treatment as keys to optimizing health for older adults. She is the designer and founder of Experience Corps, an evidence-based senior volunteer public health program in which older adults serve in public schools. The program was designed to simultaneously prevent cognitive loss and functional decline and enable meaning and purpose in the volunteers while benefiting students. Dean Fried advocates for the potential of longer lives to be the basis of a Third Demographic Dividend whereby society benefits from the social capital of older adults and invests in health promotion across the life course. Under her leadership, the Columbia University Mailman School has built a wide range of new dimensions of public health science, from the University-wide Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center to the new science of precision prevention, and has become a key leader in innovation in public health education and in intersectoral partnerships for health.
Norihiro Kokudo
President, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo is the President of National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) in Tokyo. He earned his M.D. in 1981, and then Ph.D. in 1988 at University of Tokyo. From 1989 to 1991 he stayed at Department of Surgery, University of Michigan as a visiting research investigator. After 6 years at Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo, as a senior staff of GI surgery, he joined the Department of HPB Surgery in The University of Tokyo and became a professor and chairman in 2007 (until March 2017). Dr. Kokudo has been conducting a number of research projects on surgical treatment of HCC, colorectal liver metastases, and living donor liver transplantation. As the chairman of the guideline committee, he compiled 3rd and 4th version of Japanese clinical practice guidelines for HCC in 2013 and 2017. Since an outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic in January 2020, his team in NCGM has been playing an important role for controlling the infection in Japan.
Dr. Kokudo is the past president of Japan Surgical Society and Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (A-PHPBA). He is the president-elect of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA) and a Vice President of International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO). He is also a fellow of American College of Surgeons (Governor) and Royal College of Surgeons of England, and a member of International Society of Surgery. He is an honorary regional editor for HPB, Co-editor-in-Chief for Global Health and Medicine, and an associate editor for Liver Cancer and Digestive Surgery. He is on the editorial board of Annals of Surgery, Surgery, Journal of American College of Surgeons, World Journal of Surgery, and Journal of HPB Science.
Rika Kambayashi
Representative, Rika Kambayashi Social Worker Office
Adult guardian / Social worker / Mental health worker / Care worker / Care support specialist / Securities clerk
Graduated from Kyoto Prefectural University Women's College, Bukkyo University Faculty of Social Welfare.
After graduating from Kyoto Prefectural University Women's College, Ms. Kambayashi worked at Daiwa Securities. While working at the Local Comprehensive Support Center, she provided general consultations for residents and abuse of the elderly. During this time, she also started working as an adult guardian.
Worked with medical and legal professionals, financial institutions and companies as a board member of COLTEM, the mission of COLTEM is to develop social technology that integrates law, engineering, and medicine to seamlessly support the community life of the elderly.
Co-authored the book Practical Guide for Dementia Friendly Financial services. Delivered lectures on dementia to financial institutions nationwide using the “Kambayashi Method.” Her role-playing was aired on NHK Ohayo-Nihon "Ohabiz."
April 2018 Developed business independently; established Rika Kambayashi Social Worker Office and became its representative; has been working as a director in Decision-Making Support Organization Japan.
Ryoji Noritake
CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute
Mr. Ryoji Noritake is the CEO, Board Member of Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), a Tokyo-based independent and non-profit health policy think tank established in 2004. He has led health system strengthening projects in the Asia-Pacific region and engaged in US Navy’s medical humanitarian projects. His focus is a multi-sectoral approach for health issues such as public-private partnerships and civil-military coordination. He was a member of Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Policy Discussion Roundtable for Super Ageing Society (2018). He is a graduate of Keio University’s Faculty of Policy Management, holds a MSc in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, a member of Salzburg Global Seminar’s Advisory Council and is an Advisory Board Member of Elsevier Atlas.
Shuichi Nakamura
President of Forum for Social Security Policy
Professor of Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare
2010 – 2014, Director-General, Office for Social Security Reform, Cabinet Secretariat
2008 – 2010, President, Health Insurance Claims Review & Reimbursement Services
2005 – 2008, Director-General of Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW)
2002 – 2005, Director-General of Elderly Care Bureau, MHLW
1973 – Ministry of Health and Welfare (1981-1984, posted to social attaché in Sweden, 1987-1989 Director, Hokkaido Prefecture)
January 2012, Launched the Forum for Social Security Policy
April 2012 – Lectured on social security policy at the International University of Health and Welfare
Takeshi Kasai
WHO Regional Director for Western Pacific
Dr Takeshi Kasai began his term as WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific on 1 February 2019, following his nomination by the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific and his appointment by the WHO Executive Board.
The public health career of Dr Kasai began nearly 30 years ago when he was assigned to a remote post on the northeast coast of Japan, providing health-care services for the elderly. His early experiences there impressed upon him value of building strong health systems from the ground up. In the mid-1990s, Dr Kasai attended the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, where he studied in the Department of Global Health and Development and received a master’s degree in public health.
Dr Kasai has worked for WHO for more than 15 years, and at the time of his nomination was Director of Programme Management, the No. 2 position at the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific in Manila, Philippines. As a Technical Officer and later as the Director of the Division of Health Security at the Regional Office, he was instrumental in developing and implementing the Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases and Public Health Emergencies, which guides Member States in preparing for and responding to public health emergencies.
Dr Kasai also served as the WHO Representative in Viet Nam from 2012 to 2014, and in 2014 received the For the People’s Health Medal from the Government, the top honor bestowed upon those who have made significant contributions to public health.
Takeshi Haeno
Monitor Deloitte, Associate Director, Healthcare Strategy
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC
Takeshi Haeno is an Associate Director at Monitor Deloitte Japan, a strategy consulting arm of Deloitte. He is responsible for healthcare strategy services within Monitor Deloitte Japan, and has served a variety of clients in private sectors, central government, and healthcare providers, in order for them to address social health agenda as well as to drive financially sustainable business. On top of his in-depth understanding of Japanese healthcare/ senior business, he has strong insights in global health system having worked a variety of projects in the U.S. (at Kaiser Permanente as intern) and in Denmark (at Novo Nordisk A/S). Takeshi holds MBA and Master of Public Health both from University of California Berkeley, and has been an international judge at Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards hosted by Ageing Asia, one of the largest industry networks on the business of ageing in Asia Pacific.
Tan Chorh Chuan
Chief Health Scientist, Ministry of Health Singapore
Professor Tan Chorh Chuan was appointed as the inaugural Chief Health Scientist and concurrently, Executive Director of the new Office for Healthcare Transformation in Singapore’s Ministry of Health with effect from 1 January 2018. Prof Tan was President of the National University of Singapore from 2008 to 2017. He has served in senior leadership roles in the heathcare and biomedical sciences sectors including as Chairman of the National University Health System from 2011-18, and Deputy Chairman of ASTAR from 2004 to 2018. A renal physician-scientist, Prof Tan obtained his medical training at NUS, and research training at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford. He is the first Singaporean to be elected as an international member of the US National Academy of Medicine.
Tatsuya Kondo
Chief Executive Officer, Medical Excellence JAPAN
Tatsuya Kondo, M.D., Ph.D., is Chief Executive Officer of Medical Excellence JAPAN (MEJ) and Chief Executive Emeritus of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA).
As the Chief Executive of PMDA from 2008-2018, he directed all operations including drug relief services, reviews of medical products, and post-marketing safety. He was also a major player of ICMRA among the world top Drug Regulatory Agencies. He has reformed all around the faculties of PMDA basically on the three major initiatives which are “the PMDA’s newly established Philosophy”, “Regulatory Science” and the respect for regulatory harmonization.
Prior to joining PMDA, he spent most of his career as a neurosurgeon after he graduated from Medical Department, the University of Tokyo in 1968. He experienced not only so many kinds of neurosurgical operations, but also as a surgeon-scientist so many kinds of R&D. He invented the stereotactic radiosurgery system which synchronizes with breathing in 1992, and discovered the new FGF-9 from an operated brain tumor which has the thrombocyte growth activity in1993. These inventions and discoveries were never implemented in society. It was because it was too early. He has been every time curious on the scientific study and the promotion of technology.
Dr. Kondo has wide-ranging experience overseas, such as fellowship in Max-Planck Institute, Germany for biological research in 1977, and visiting surgeon in China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing in 1987 to establish Department of Neurosurgery under JICA project.
Currently, he has been serving as the Advisor on Health and Medical Strategy for Cabinet Secretariat of Japanese Government for 6 years. And he has also been an advisory member of Center for Regulatory Authority (CoRE) of Singapore from 2014.
And when it comes to priorities, he expresses strong intentions about the healthcare issues he hopes multi-stakeholders will tackle, as the CEO of MEJ, he becomes a leading force of the momentum toward healthcare reform; “the fourth dimensions” revolutionary healthcare reform plan.
Toshio Moritani
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
Co-developer of training brand "SIXPAD" focusing on EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) equipment. Leading academia by specializing in applied physiology and exercise medical science.
Prof. Moritani researched for over 40 years about training using electrical muscle stimulation technology "Electrical Muscle Stimulation" (EMS).
After verification, it was found that the effective frequency for training is 20 Hz, and the theory is now attracting the attention of researchers around the world.
1950 Born in Hyogo Prefecture
1980 Completed doctoral course at the University of Southern California
1992 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
2000 Professor, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
April 2016 Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University, Director, Institute of Exercise Medical Science
Served as director and councilor in numerous academic societies, including International Society for Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, American College of Sports Medicine, Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology, Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. For the first time in the world, the contribution of neural factors to muscle strength was evaluated. Published more than 300 papers.
Toshio Nakagawa
President, Japan Medical Association
Professional Experience:
June 2020-Present President, Japan Medical Association
Jan. 2017-Present President, Shinsapporo Neurosurgical Hospital
Apr. 2010-Jun. 2020 Vice-President, Japan Medical Association
Apr. 2007-Present Advisor, Hokkaido Medical Association
Apr. 2006-Apr. 2010 Executive Board Member, Japan Medical Association
Apr. 2005-Mar. 2006 Delegate, House of Delegates, Japan Medical Association
Apr. 1997-Mar. 2007 Executive Board Member, Hokkaido Medical Association
Dec. 1991-Dec. 2016 President & Director, Shinsapporo Neurosurgical Hospital
Mar. 1988 Established, Shinsapporo Neurosurgical Hospital
Apr. 2008-Mar. 2010 Clinical Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
Apr. 2000-Mar. 2007 Clinical Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Sapporo Medical University
1994 Received M.D., Ph.D., Sapporo Medical University
Mar.1977 Graduated from Sapporo Medical University
Yoshiki Sawa
Professor and Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Born in Osaka, Japan on July 3 in 1955
1980 Graduated from Osaka University Medical School, gained MD
1981~1985 Internship in general, thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
1987 Gained PhD
1989~1991 Research and clinical fellow at Max-Planck Institute in Germany supported by Humboldt Scholarship
1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Medical School
1998 Associate Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Medical School
2002 Associate Professor, Medical Center for Translational Research in Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2004 Chief surgeon, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
2006 Professor and Chief, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Director, Medical Center for Translational Research in Osaka University Hospital (~Mar. 2010)
2010 Director, Center for Medical, Engineering and Information in Osaka University (~Mar. 2015)
2013 Vice Dean, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (~Mar. 2015)
Director, Center for Global Health in Osaka University Hospital (~Mar. 2015)
2014 Adviser, CiRA(center for iPS cell Research and Application) Kyoto University
2015 Dean, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (~Mar. 2017)
President, Japanese Society of Regenerative Medicine (~Present)
2016 Congress Chairman, Japanese Surgical Society (~Present)
Yuichi Imanaka
Professor and Head, Department of Healthcare Economics and Quality Management, Graduate School of Medicine/School of Public Health, Kyoto University
Yuichi Imanaka, MD, PhD is Professor and Head, Department of Healthcare Economics and Quality Management, Graduate School of Medicine/School of Public Health, Kyoto University (http://med-econ.umin.ac.jp/int/) since 2000. He was trained in the University of Tokyo (M.D., DrMedSci), and the University of Michigan (MPH, Ph.D). Board certified member of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, with certification for pathological autopsy practice. He is the founding head of the Value Creating Design Hub for Super-Ageing Societies, Kyoto University (http://super-ageing.kyoto-u.ac.jp/), which started in 2016 as a multidisciplinary unit of Industry-Government-Academia partnership.
His main theme is to visualize and design health systems covering health care, long-term care, health promotion, and its future, particularly in this super-aged and rapidly-aging society. He is engaged in several national and wide-regional projects which methodologically include large-scale database analytics, system design and simulation, and multidimensional performance measurement and improvement of institutions and of regions.
He has been actively engaged in international collaboration and has accepted graduate students from Singapore, Korea, China, Thailand, Lebanon, Brazil and United States. He was the President of the Asian Society for Quality in Health Care, ASQua (2017-2019), Executive Board Member (1997-2003, 2015-2019) for the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). He served as a member of OECD ageing-related diseases projects, International Hospital Federation & WHO study group on hospital sector reform, and a member of OECD & WHO Health Care Quality Improvement Network in the Asia Pacific Region.
He has been on the boards of national academic societies for Health Administration, Public Health and Health Economics (the immediate past President), and the President of Japan Board of Public Health and Social Medicine (2020 - ). Founding Member, International Academy of Quality and Safety in Health Care (the first elected, lifetime member from Asia 2018 - ).
Yuri Okina
Chairperson, The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
Okina is chairperson of the Japan Research Institute where she was previously the research director and chief senior economist. She has published extensively on Japan’s financial systems, most recent of which is the “Financial Crisis and Prudential Policy” (Nihonkeizaishinbun Shuppansha, 2010). She is a member of various groups such as the Financial System Council of the Financial Services Agency and the Industry Policy Council.
She has a Doctor degree in Economics from Kyoto University and had been a Visiting Professor of Keio University.